\name{cghExSet-class} \docType{class} \alias{cghExSet-class} \alias{cloneMeta,cghExSet-method} \alias{cloneNames,cghExSet-method} \alias{exprs,cghExSet-method} \alias{initialize,cghExSet-method} \alias{logRatios,cghExSet-method} \alias{show,cghExSet-method} \alias{cloneMeta} \alias{cloneNames} \alias{make_cghExSet} \title{Class "cghExSet" for combining CGH and expression data } \description{ combination of an ExpressionSet and CGH assay results } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("cghExSet", phenoData, experimentData, annotation, exprs, logRatios, cloneMeta)}. } \usage{ make_cghExSet(exprs, logRatios, cloneMeta, pd, mi, anno) # pd is AnnotatedDataFrame, mi is MIAME } \arguments{ \item{exprs}{ matrix of expression assay results } \item{logRatios}{ matrix of aCGH assay results } \item{cloneMeta}{AnnotatedDataFrame for aCGH clone descriptions} \item{pd}{ AnnotatedDataFrame for sample level data } \item{mi}{ \code{\link[Biobase:class.MIAME]{MIAME}} instance for experiment documentation } \item{anno}{character string with annotation platform descriptor for expression data} } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{cghAssays}:}{Object of class \code{"AssayData"} rectangular representation of logRatio data from CGH } \item{\code{cloneMeta}:}{Object of class \code{"AnnotatedDataFrame"} information on chromosome and offset of clones} \item{\code{assayData}:}{Object of class \code{"AssayData"} expression assay results } \item{\code{phenoData}:}{Object of class \code{"AnnotatedDataFrame"} sample level data } \item{\code{featureData}:}{Object of class \code{"AnnotatedDataFrame"} reporter level metadata for expression assay results } \item{\code{experimentData}:}{Object of class \code{"MIAME"} container for experiment documentation } \item{\code{annotation}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} identifiers for expression and CGH platforms, as a named vector with elements named 'exprs' and 'logRatios' } \item{\code{.__classVersion__}:}{Object of class \code{"Versions"} } } } \section{Extends}{ Class \code{\link[Biobase:class.eSet]{eSet-class}}, directly. Class \code{\link[Biobase:class.VersionedBiobase]{VersionedBiobase-class}}, by class "eSet", distance 2. Class \code{\link[Biobase:class.Versioned]{Versioned-class}}, by class "eSet", distance 3. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{cloneMeta}{\code{signature(cghSet = "cghExSet")}: extract annotated data frame on clone locations for CGH component } \item{cloneNames}{\code{signature(cghSet = "cghExSet")}: extract character vector of clone IDs for CGH component } \item{exprs}{\code{signature(object = "cghExSet")}: extract expression assay results } \item{initialize}{\code{signature(.Object = "cghExSet")}: infrastructure } \item{logRatios}{\code{signature(cghSet = "cghExSet")}: extract CGH assay results } \item{show}{\code{signature(object = "cghExSet")}: display object in concise form } } } \references{R. M. Neve Cancer Cell Dec 2006 } \author{ V Carey } %\note{ ~~further notes~~ } % % ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~ % %\seealso{ % ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{~~fun~~}}, ~~~ % or \code{\linkS4class{CLASSNAME}} for links to other classes %} \examples{ showClass("cghExSet") data(neveExCGH) logRatios(neveExCGH)[1:4,] exprs(neveExCGH)[1:4,] } \keyword{classes}