\name{proboscis} \alias{proboscis} \title{Produce a plot similar to Figure 2 of the Shippy MAQC paper (PMID 16964226). } \description{ Produce a plot similar to Figure 2 of the Shippy MAQC paper (PMID 16964226). } \usage{ proboscis(es, site=1, ABp=0.001, CDp=0.01, mmrad=100) } \arguments{ \item{es}{ \code{\link[Biobase:class.ExpressionSet]{ExpressionSet}} instance with MAQC assay results} \item{site}{ numeric code -- site to be assessed} \item{ABp}{ ABp -- p-value threshold to declare concentration of gene in sample A to be different from ehe concentration in sample B} \item{CDp}{ CDp -- p-value threshold to declare concentration of gene in sample C to be different from the concentration in sample D} \item{mmrad}{ numeric radius of the moving mean used to smooth the proportions differentially expressed } } \details{ Figure 2 of the Shippy paper consists of a collection of plots of estimated probabilities of self-consistent monotone titration -- briefly, samples are such that A has 100\% USRNA, B has 100\% Ambion brain, C has 75\% USRNA+25\% brain, D has 25\% USRNA, 75\% brain. Self-consistent monotone titration holds for gene g if microarray measures for that gene satisfy A > C > D > B or B > C > D > A. The estimated probability functions look like a creature sticking its nose over a wall, thus the name of this function. } \value{ an instance of \code{\link[MAQCsubset:proboStruct-class]{proboStruct}}, for which a plot and lines method are available. } \references{PMID 16964226 } \author{Vince Carey } %\note{ } %\seealso{ } \examples{ data(afxsubRMAES) NN2 = proboscis(afxsubRMAES, site=2) plot(NN2) } \keyword{ models }