\name{Iyer517} \docType{instance} \alias{Iyer517} \title{exprSet instance Iyer517, time series on transcriptional response of fibroblasts to serum } \description{ an expression set for timed measurements of transcriptional response of fibroblasts to serum in presence or absence of cycloheximide} \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{exprs}:}{Object of class matrix, value: 517 x 19 expression levels (normed to 1 at time 0)} \item{\code{se.exprs}:}{Object of class matrix, value: absent} \item{\code{description}:}{Object of class MIAME, value: string} \item{\code{annotation}:}{Object of class character, value: ''} \item{\code{notes}:}{Object of class character, value: ''} \item{\code{phenoData}:}{Object of class phenoData, value: data frame with info on timing} \item{\code{class}:}{Object of class character, value: 'exprSet'} } } \references{Iyer et al 1999 Science v283 83-87} \examples{ data(Iyer517) show(Iyer517) plot(apply(exprs(Iyer517)[1:100,1:13],2,mean),main="Cluster A", xlab="index in time seq", ylab="ratio to time 0", log="y") } \keyword{methods}