\name{sysptm_dbconn} \alias{sysptm_dbconn} \alias{sysptm_dbfile} \alias{sysptm_dbschema} \alias{sysptm_dbInfo} \title{Collect information about the package annotation DB} \description{ Some convenience functions for getting a connection object to (or collecting information about) the package annotation DB. } \usage{ sysptm_dbconn() sysptm_dbfile() sysptm_dbschema(file="", show.indices=FALSE) sysptm_dbInfo() } \arguments{ \item{file}{A connection, or a character string naming the file to print to (see the file argument of the cat function for the details). } \item{show.indices}{The CREATE INDEX statements are not shown by default. Use show.indices=TRUE to get them. } } \details{ \code{sysptm_dbconn} returns a connection object to the package annotation DB. IMPORTANT: Don't call \code{\link[DBI]{dbDisconnect}} on the connection object returned by \code{sysptm_dbconn} or you will break all the \code{\link[AnnotationDbi]{AnnDbObj}} objects defined in this package! \code{sysptm_dbfile} returns the path (character string) to the package annotation DB (this is an SQLite file). \code{sysptm_dbschema} prints the schema definition of the package annotation DB. \code{sysptm_dbInfo} prints other information about the package annotation DB. } \examples{ ## Show the first three rows. dbGetQuery(sysptm_dbconn(), "select * from sysptm limit 3") ## The connection object returned by sysptm_dbconn() was created with: dbConnect(SQLite(), dbname=sysptm_dbfile(), cache_size=64000, synchronous=0) sysptm_dbschema() sysptm_dbInfo() }