\name{org.Rn.refMAPCOUNTS} \alias{org.Rn.refMAPCOUNTS} \title{Number of mapped keys for the maps in package org.Rn.ref.db} \description{ org.Rn.refMAPCOUNTS provides the "map count" (i.e. the count of mapped keys) for each map in package org.Rn.ref.db. } \details{ This "map count" information is precalculated and stored in the package annotation DB. This allows some quality control and is used by the \code{\link[AnnotationDbi]{checkMAPCOUNTS}} function defined in AnnotationDbi to compare and validate different methods (like \code{count.mappedkeys(x)} or \code{sum(!is.na(as.list(x)))}) for getting the "map count" of a given map. } \seealso{ \code{\link[AnnotationDbi]{mappedkeys}}, \code{\link[AnnotationDbi]{count.mappedkeys}}, \code{\link[AnnotationDbi]{checkMAPCOUNTS}} } \examples{ org.Rn.refMAPCOUNTS mapnames <- names(org.Rn.refMAPCOUNTS) org.Rn.refMAPCOUNTS[mapnames[1]] x <- get(mapnames[1]) sum(!is.na(as.list(x))) count.mappedkeys(x) # much faster! ## Check the "map count" of all the maps in package org.Rn.ref.db checkMAPCOUNTS("org.Rn.ref.db") } \keyword{datasets}