\name{GOTERM} \alias{GOTERM} \title{Annotation of GO Identifiers to GO Terms} \description{ This data set gives mappings between GO identifiers and their respective terms. } \details{ Each GO identifier is mapped to a \code{GOTerms} object that has 6 slots: GOID: GO Identifier Term: The term for that GO id Synonym: Synonymous terms Secondary: Secondary terms that have been merged into this term Definition: Further definition of the GO term Ontology: One of MF - molecular function, BP - biological process, or CC - cellular component All the obsolete GO terms are under the nodes "obsolete molecular function" (GO:0008369), "obsolete cellular component" (GO id GO:0008370), and "obsolete biological process" (GO:0008371). Each of these GO identifiers has a group of GO identifiers as their direct children with GO terms that were defined by GO but are deprecated in the current build. These deprecated GO terms were appended by "(obsolete)" when the data package was built. Mappings were based on data provided by: Gene Ontology ftp://ftp.geneontology.org/pub/go/godatabase/archive/latest-lite/ With a date stamp from the source of: 20090830 } \references{ \url{http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=gene} } \examples{ # Convert the object to a list xx <- as.list(GOTERM) if(length(xx) > 0){ # Get the TERMS for the first elent of xx GOID(xx[[1]]) Term(xx[[1]]) Synonym(xx[[1]]) Secondary(xx[[1]]) Definition(xx[[1]]) Ontology(xx[[1]]) } } \keyword{datasets}