Bioconductor version: 2.5
Package | Maintainer | Title |
adme16cod.db | Diego Diez | GE CodeLink ADME Rat 16-Assay Bioarray annotation data (chip adme16cod) |
ag.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Arabidopsis Genome Array annotation data (chip ag) |
agcdf | Biocore Data Team | agcdf |
agprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type ag |
anopheles.db0 | Biocore Data Team | Base Level Annotation databases for anopheles |
arabidopsis.db0 | Biocore Data Team | Base Level Annotation databases for arabidopsis |
ath1121501.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Arabidopsis ATH1 Genome Array annotation data (chip ath1121501) |
ath1121501cdf | Biocore Data Team | ath1121501cdf |
ath1121501probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type ath1121501 |
barley1cdf | Biocore Data Team | barley1cdf |
barley1probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type barley1 |
bovine.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix bovine annotation data (chip bovine) |
bovine.db0 | Biocore Data Team | Base Level Annotation databases for bovine |
bovinecdf | Biocore Data Team | bovinecdf |
bovineprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type bovine |
BSgenome.Amellifera.BeeBase.assembly4 | Biocore Team c/o BioC user list | Apis mellifera (Honey Bee) full genome (BeeBase assembly4) |
BSgenome.Amellifera.UCSC.apiMel2 | Biocore Team c/o BioC user list | Apis mellifera (Honey Bee) full genome (UCSC version apiMel2) |
BSgenome.Athaliana.TAIR.01222004 | Biocore Team c/o BioC user list | Arabidopsis thaliana full genome (TAIR version from January 22, 2004) |
BSgenome.Athaliana.TAIR.04232008 | Biocore Team c/o BioC user list | Arabidopsis thaliana full genome (TAIR version from April 23, 2008) |
BSgenome.Btaurus.UCSC.bosTau3 | Biocore Team c/o BioC user list | Bos taurus (Cow) full genome (UCSC version bosTau3) |
BSgenome.Btaurus.UCSC.bosTau4 | Biocore Team c/o BioC user list | Bos taurus (Cow) full genome (UCSC version bosTau4) |
BSgenome.Celegans.UCSC.ce2 | Biocore Team c/o BioC user list | Caenorhabditis elegans (Worm) full genome (UCSC version ce2) |
BSgenome.Cfamiliaris.UCSC.canFam2 | Biocore Team c/o BioC user list | Canis lupus familiaris full genome (UCSC version canFam2) |
BSgenome.Dmelanogaster.UCSC.dm2 | Biocore Team c/o BioC user list | Drosophila melanogaster (Fly) full genome (UCSC version dm2) |
BSgenome.Dmelanogaster.UCSC.dm3 | Biocore Team c/o BioC user list | Drosophila melanogaster (Fly) full genome (UCSC version dm3) |
BSgenome.Drerio.UCSC.danRer5 | Biocore Team c/o BioC user list | Danio rerio (Zebrafish) full genome (UCSC version danRer5) |
BSgenome.Ecoli.NCBI.20080805 | Biocore Team c/o BioC user list | Escherichia coli full genomes |
BSgenome.Ggallus.UCSC.galGal3 | Biocore Team c/o BioC user list | Gallus gallus (Chicken) full genome (UCSC version galGal3) |
BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg17 | Biocore Team c/o BioC user list | Homo sapiens (Human) full genome (UCSC version hg17) |
BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg18 | Biocore Team c/o BioC user list | Homo sapiens (Human) full genome (UCSC version hg18) |
BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19 | Biocore Team c/o BioC user list | Homo sapiens (Human) full genome (UCSC version hg19) |
BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm8 | Biocore Team c/o BioC user list | Mus musculus (Mouse) full genome (UCSC version mm8) |
BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm9 | Biocore Team c/o BioC user list | Mus musculus (Mouse) full genome (UCSC version mm9) |
BSgenome.Ptroglodytes.UCSC.panTro2 | Biocore Team c/o BioC user list | Pan troglodytes (Chimp) full genome (UCSC version panTro2) |
BSgenome.Rnorvegicus.UCSC.rn4 | Biocore Team c/o BioC user list | Rattus norvegicus (Rat) full genome (UCSC version rn4) |
BSgenome.Scerevisiae.UCSC.sacCer1 | Biocore Team c/o BioC user list | Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Yeast) full genome (UCSC version sacCer1) |
BSgenome.Scerevisiae.UCSC.sacCer2 | Biocore Team c/o BioC user list | Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Yeast) full genome (UCSC version sacCer2) |
bsubtiliscdf | Biocore Data Team | bsubtiliscdf |
bsubtilisprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type bsubtilis |
canine.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix canine annotation data (chip canine) |
canine.db0 | Biocore Data Team | Base Level Annotation databases for canine |
canine2.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix canine2 annotation data (chip canine2) |
canine2cdf | Biocore Data Team | canine2cdf |
canine2probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type canine2 |
caninecdf | Biocore Data Team | caninecdf |
canineprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type canine |
celegans.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix celegans annotation data (chip celegans) |
celeganscdf | Biocore Data Team | celeganscdf |
celegansprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type celegans |
chicken.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix chicken annotation data (chip chicken) |
chicken.db0 | Biocore Data Team | Base Level Annotation databases for chicken |
chickencdf | Biocore Data Team | chickencdf |
chickenprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type chicken |
chimp.db0 | Biocore Data Team | Base Level Annotation databases for chimp |
citruscdf | Biocore Data Team | citruscdf |
citrusprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type citrus |
cMAP | Biocore Data Team | A data package containing annotation data for cMAP |
cottoncdf | Biocore Data Team | cottoncdf |
cottonprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type cotton |
cyp450cdf | Biocore Data Team | cyp450cdf |
dName.db | Hong Li | A data package containing annotation data for dName.db |
drosgenome1.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Drosophila Genome Array annotation data (chip drosgenome1) |
drosgenome1cdf | Biocore Data Team | drosgenome1cdf |
drosgenome1probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type drosgenome1 |
drosophila2.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Drosophila Genome 2.0 Array annotation data (chip drosophila2) |
drosophila2cdf | Biocore Data Team | drosophila2cdf |
drosophila2probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type drosophila2 |
ecoli2cdf | Biocore Data Team | ecoli2cdf |
ecoli2probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type ecoli2 |
ecoliasv2cdf | Biocore Data Team | ecoliasv2cdf |
ecoliasv2probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type ecoliasv2 |
ecolicdf | Biocore Data Team | ecolicdf |
ecoliK12.db0 | Biocore Data Team | Base Level Annotation databases for E coli K12 Strain |
ecoliprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type ecoli |
ecoliSakai.db0 | Biocore Data Team | Base Level Annotation databases for E coli Sakai Strain |
fly.db0 | Biocore Data Team | Base Level Annotation databases for fly |
gahgu133a.db | Francesco Ferrari | Genecards derived annotations for gahgu133a custom probeset definitions |
gahgu133acdf | Francesco Ferrari | gahgu133acdf |
gahgu133aprobe | Francesco Ferrari | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type gahgu133a |
gahgu133b.db | Francesco Ferrari | Genecards derived annotations for gahgu133b custom probeset definitions |
gahgu133bcdf | Francesco Ferrari | gahgu133bcdf |
gahgu133bprobe | Francesco Ferrari | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type gahgu133b |
gahgu133plus2.db | Francesco Ferrari | Genecards derived annotations for gahgu133plus2 custom probeset definitions |
gahgu133plus2cdf | Francesco Ferrari | gahgu133plus2cdf |
gahgu133plus2probe | Francesco Ferrari | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type gahgu133plus2 |
gahgu95av2.db | Francesco Ferrari | Genecards derived annotations for gahgu95av2 custom probeset definitions |
gahgu95av2cdf | Francesco Ferrari | gahgu95av2cdf |
gahgu95av2probe | Francesco Ferrari | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type gahgu95av2 |
gahgu95b.db | Francesco Ferrari | Genecards derived annotations for gahgu95b custom probeset definitions |
gahgu95bcdf | Francesco Ferrari | gahgu95bcdf |
gahgu95bprobe | Francesco Ferrari | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type gahgu95b |
gahgu95c.db | Francesco Ferrari | Genecards derived annotations for gahgu95c custom probeset definitions |
gahgu95ccdf | Francesco Ferrari | gahgu95ccdf |
gahgu95cprobe | Francesco Ferrari | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type gahgu95c |
gahgu95d.db | Francesco Ferrari | Genecards derived annotations for gahgu95d custom probeset definitions |
gahgu95dcdf | Francesco Ferrari | gahgu95dcdf |
gahgu95dprobe | Francesco Ferrari | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type gahgu95d |
gahgu95e.db | Francesco Ferrari | Genecards derived annotations for gahgu95e custom probeset definitions |
gahgu95ecdf | Francesco Ferrari | gahgu95ecdf |
gahgu95eprobe | Francesco Ferrari | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type gahgu95e |
genomewidesnp5Crlmm | Benilton S Carvalho, Robert Scharpf | Metadata for fast genotyping with the 'crlmm' package |
genomewidesnp6Crlmm | Benilton S Carvalho, Robert Scharpf | Metadata for fast genotyping with the 'crlmm' package |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1.db | Sean Davis | Illumina Golden Gate Human Methylation Cancer Panel Version 1 annotation data (chip GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1) |
GO.db | Biocore Data Team | A set of annotation maps describing the entire Gene Ontology |
gp53cdf | Biocore Data Team | gp53cdf |
h10kcod.db | Diego Diez | GE CodeLink UniSet Human I Bioarray (~10 000 human genes) annotation data (chip h10kcod) |
h20kcod.db | Diego Diez | GE CodeLink UniSet Human 20k I Bioarray annotation data (chip h20kcod) |
hcg110.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Human Cancer G110 Array annotation data (chip hcg110) |
hcg110cdf | Biocore Data Team | hcg110cdf |
hcg110probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hcg110 |
hgfocus.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Human Genome Focus Array annotation data (chip hgfocus) |
hgfocuscdf | Biocore Data Team | hgfocuscdf |
hgfocusprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hgfocus |
hgu133a.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Human Genome U133 Set annotation data (chip hgu133a) |
hgu133a2.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Human Genome U133A 2.0 Array annotation data (chip hgu133a2) |
hgu133a2cdf | Biocore Data Team | hgu133a2cdf |
hgu133a2probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hgu133a2 |
hgu133acdf | Biocore Data Team | hgu133acdf |
hgu133aprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hgu133a |
hgu133atagcdf | Biocore Data Team | hgu133atagcdf |
hgu133atagprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hgu133atag |
hgu133b.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Human Genome U133 Set annotation data (chip hgu133b) |
hgu133bcdf | Biocore Data Team | hgu133bcdf |
hgu133bprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hgu133b |
hgu133plus2.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Array annotation data (chip hgu133plus2) |
hgu133plus2cdf | Biocore Data Team | hgu133plus2cdf |
hgu133plus2probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hgu133plus2 |
hgu95a.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Human Genome U95 Set annotation data (chip hgu95a) |
hgu95acdf | Biocore Data Team | hgu95acdf |
hgu95aprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hgu95a |
hgu95av2 | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Human Genome U95 Set Annotation Data (hgu95av2) |
hgu95av2.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Human Genome U95 Set annotation data (chip hgu95av2) |
hgu95av2cdf | Biocore Data Team | hgu95av2cdf |
hgu95av2probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hgu95av2 |
hgu95b.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Human Genome U95 Set annotation data (chip hgu95b) |
hgu95bcdf | Biocore Data Team | hgu95bcdf |
hgu95bprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hgu95b |
hgu95c.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Human Genome U95 Set annotation data (chip hgu95c) |
hgu95ccdf | Biocore Data Team | hgu95ccdf |
hgu95cprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hgu95c |
hgu95d.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Human Genome U95 Set annotation data (chip hgu95d) |
hgu95dcdf | Biocore Data Team | hgu95dcdf |
hgu95dprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hgu95d |
hgu95e.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Human Genome U95 Set annotation data (chip hgu95e) |
hgu95ecdf | Biocore Data Team | hgu95ecdf |
hgu95eprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hgu95e |
hguatlas13k.db | Biocore Data Team | Clontech BD Atlas Long Oligos Human 13K annotation data (chip hguatlas13k) |
hgubeta7.db | Biocore Data Team | Unknown annotation data (chip hgubeta7) |
hguDKFZ31.db | Biocore Data Team | Unknown annotation data (chip hguDKFZ31) |
hgug4100a.db | Biocore Data Team | Agilent Human 1 cDNA Microarray Kit annotation data (chip hgug4100a) |
hgug4101a.db | Biocore Data Team | Agilent Human 2 cDNA Microarry Kit annotation data (chip hgug4101a) |
hgug4110b.db | Biocore Data Team | Agilent Human 1A (V2) annotation data (chip hgug4110b) |
hgug4111a.db | Biocore Data Team | Agilent Human 1B annotation data (chip hgug4111a) |
hgug4112a.db | Biocore Data Team | Agilent "Human Genome, Whole" annotation data (chip hgug4112a) |
hguqiagenv3.db | Biocore Data Team | Qiagen Qiagen V3.0 oligo set annotation data (chip hguqiagenv3) |
hi16cod.db | Diego Diez | GE CodeLink Human Inflammation 16 Bioarray annotation data (chip hi16cod) |
hivprtplus2cdf | Biocore Data Team | hivprtplus2cdf |
hom.At.inp.db | Biocore Data Team | Homology information for Arabidopsis thaliana from Inparanoid |
hom.Ce.inp.db | Biocore Data Team | Homology information for Caenorhabditis elegans from Inparanoid |
hom.Dm.inp.db | Biocore Data Team | Homology information for Drosophila melanogaster from Inparanoid |
hom.Dr.inp.db | Biocore Data Team | Homology information for Danio rerio from Inparanoid |
hom.Hs.inp.db | Biocore Data Team | Homology information for Homo Sapiens from Inparanoid |
hom.Mm.inp.db | Biocore Data Team | Homology information for Mus musculus from Inparanoid |
hom.Rn.inp.db | Biocore Data Team | Homology information for Rattus norvegicus from Inparanoid |
hom.Sc.inp.db | Biocore Data Team | Homology information for Saccharomyces cerevisiae from Inparanoid |
homolog.db | Hong Li | A data package containing annotation data for homolog.db |
hs25kresogen.db | Simon de Bernard | RNG_MRC Human Pangenomic 25k Set annotation data (chip hs25kresogen) |
Hs6UG171.db | Biocore Data Team | A package containing metadata for Hs6UG171 arrays |
hthgu133a.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix HT Human Genome U133 Array Plate Set annotation data (chip hthgu133a) |
hthgu133acdf | Biocore Data Team | hthgu133acdf |
hthgu133aprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hthgu133a |
hthgu133b.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix HT Human Genome U133 Array Plate Set annotation data (chip hthgu133b) |
hthgu133bcdf | Biocore Data Team | hthgu133bcdf |
hthgu133bprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hthgu133b |
hthgu133pluspmcdf | Biocore Data Team | hthgu133pluspmcdf |
hthgu133pluspmprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hthgu133pluspm |
htmg430acdf | Biocore Data Team | htmg430acdf |
htmg430aprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type htmg430a |
htmg430bcdf | Biocore Data Team | htmg430bcdf |
htmg430bprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type htmg430b |
htmg430pmcdf | Biocore Data Team | htmg430pmcdf |
htmg430pmprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type htmg430pm |
htrat230pmcdf | Biocore Data Team | htrat230pmcdf |
htrat230pmprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type htrat230pm |
htratfocuscdf | Biocore Data Team | htratfocuscdf |
htratfocusprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type htratfocus |
hu35ksuba.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Human Genome HU35K Set annotation data (chip hu35ksuba) |
hu35ksubacdf | Biocore Data Team | hu35ksubacdf |
hu35ksubaprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hu35ksuba |
hu35ksubb.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Human Genome HU35K Set annotation data (chip hu35ksubb) |
hu35ksubbcdf | Biocore Data Team | hu35ksubbcdf |
hu35ksubbprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hu35ksubb |
hu35ksubc.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Human Genome HU35K Set annotation data (chip hu35ksubc) |
hu35ksubccdf | Biocore Data Team | hu35ksubccdf |
hu35ksubcprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hu35ksubc |
hu35ksubd.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Human Genome HU35K Set annotation data (chip hu35ksubd) |
hu35ksubdcdf | Biocore Data Team | hu35ksubdcdf |
hu35ksubdprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hu35ksubd |
hu6800.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix HuGeneFL Genome Array annotation data (chip hu6800) |
hu6800cdf | Biocore Data Team | hu6800cdf |
hu6800probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hu6800 |
hu6800subacdf | Biocore Data Team | hu6800subacdf |
hu6800subbcdf | Biocore Data Team | hu6800subbcdf |
hu6800subccdf | Biocore Data Team | hu6800subccdf |
hu6800subdcdf | Biocore Data Team | hu6800subdcdf |
hugene10stprobeset.db | Li, Arthur | Affymetrix Human Gene 1.0-ST Array Revision 4 annotation data (chip hugene10stprobeset) |
hugene10sttranscriptcluster.db | Li, Arthur | Affymetrix Human Gene 1.0-ST Array Revision 3 annotation data (chip hugene10sttranscriptcluster) |
hugene10stv1.r3cdf | Biocore Data Team | hugene10stv1.r3cdf |
human.db0 | Biocore Data Team | Base Level Annotation databases for human |
humanCHRLOC | Biocore Data Team | A data package containing annotation data for humanCHRLOC |
HuO22.db | Biocore Data Team | FHCRC Genomics Shared Resource HuO22 Annotation Data (HuO22) |
hwgcod.db | Diego Diez | GE CodeLink Human Whole Genome Bioarray (~55 000 human genes) annotation data (chip hwgcod) |
illuminaHumanDASLBeadID.db | Mark Dunning | Illumina HumanDASL annotation data (chip illuminaHumanDASLBeadID) |
IlluminaHumanMethylation27k.db | Sean Davis | Illumina Illumina Human Methylation 27k annotation data (chip IlluminaHumanMethylation27k) |
illuminaHumanv1.db | Mark Dunning | Illumina HumanWGv1 annotation data (chip illuminaHumanv1) |
illuminaHumanv1BeadID.db | Mark Dunning | Illumina HumanWGv1 annotation data (chip illuminaHumanv1BeadID) |
illuminaHumanv2.db | Mark Dunning | Illumina HumanWGv2 annotation data (chip illuminaHumanv2) |
illuminaHumanv2BeadID.db | Mark Dunning | Illumina HumanWGv2 annotation data (chip illuminaHumanv2BeadID) |
illuminaHumanv3.db | Mark Dunning | Illumina HumanWGv3 annotation data (chip illuminaHumanv3) |
illuminaHumanv3BeadID.db | Mark Dunning | Illumina HumanWGv3 annotation data (chip illuminaHumanv3BeadID) |
illuminaMousev1.db | Mark Dunning | Illumina MouseWGv1 annotation data (chip illuminaMousev1) |
illuminaMousev1BeadID.db | Mark Dunning | Illumina MouseWGv1 annotation data (chip illuminaMousev1BeadID) |
illuminaMousev1p1.db | Mark Dunning | Illumina MouseWGv1.1 annotation data (chip illuminaMousev1p1) |
illuminaMousev1p1BeadID.db | Mark Dunning | Illumina MouseWGv1.1 annotation data (chip illuminaMousev1p1BeadID) |
illuminaMousev2.db | Mark Dunning | Illumina MouseWGv2 annotation data (chip illuminaMousev2) |
illuminaMousev2BeadID.db | Mark Dunning | Illumina MouseWGv2 annotation data (chip illuminaMousev2BeadID) |
illuminaRatv1.db | Mark Dunning | Illumina RatRSv1 annotation data (chip illuminaRatv1) |
illuminaRatv1BeadID.db | Mark Dunning | Illumina RatRSv1 annotation data (chip illuminaRatv1BeadID) |
indac.db | Biocore Data Team | INDAC FlyChip_long_oligonucleotide_002 (FL002) annotation data (chip indac) |
int.did.db | Hong Li | A data package containing annotation data for int.did.db |
int.domine.db | Hong Li | A data package containing annotation data for int.domine.db |
int.geneint.db | Hong Li | A data package containing annotation data for int.geneint.db |
int.intact.db | Hong Li | A data package containing annotation data for int.intact.db |
int.mppi.db | Hong Li | A data package containing annotation data for int.mppi.db |
JazaeriMetaData.db | Biocore Data Team | A data package containing annotation data for JazaeriMetaData |
KEGG.db | Biocore Data Team | A set of annotation maps for KEGG |
LAPOINTE.db | Biocore Data Team | A package containing metadata for LAPOINTE arrays |
lumiHumanAll.db | Gang Feng and Pan Du | Illumina Human Expression BeadChips (include all versions: version 1 to 3) annotation data (chip lumiHumanAll) |
lumiHumanIDMapping | Pan Du | Illumina Identifier mapping for Human |
lumiMouseAll.db | Gang Feng and Pan Du | Illumina Mouse Expression BeadChips (include all versions: version 1 to 2) annotation data (chip lumiMouseAll) |
lumiMouseIDMapping | Pan Du | Illumina Identifier mapping for Mouse |
lumiRatAll.db | Gang Feng and Pan Du | Illumina Rat Expression BeadChips (include version: version 1) annotation data (chip lumiRatAll) |
lumiRatIDMapping | Pan Du | Illumina Identifier mapping for Rat |
m10kcod.db | Diego Diez | GE CodeLink UniSet Mouse I Bioarray (~10 000 mouse gene targets) annotation data (chip m10kcod) |
m20kcod.db | Diego Diez | GE CodeLink UniSet Mouse 20k I Bioarray annotation data (chip m20kcod) |
maizecdf | Biocore Data Team | maizecdf |
maizeprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type maize |
malaria.db0 | Biocore Data Team | Base Level Annotation databases for malaria |
Masks.Dmelanogaster.UCSC.dm3 | H. Pages | Built-in masks for the Drosophila melanogaster genome (UCSC version dm3) |
medicagocdf | Biocore Data Team | medicagocdf |
medicagoprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type medicago |
mgu74a.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Murine Genome U74v2 annotation data (chip mgu74a) |
mgu74acdf | Biocore Data Team | mgu74acdf |
mgu74aprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mgu74a |
mgu74av2.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Murine Genome U74v2 annotation data (chip mgu74av2) |
mgu74av2cdf | Biocore Data Team | mgu74av2cdf |
mgu74av2probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mgu74av2 |
mgu74b.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Murine Genome U74v2 annotation data (chip mgu74b) |
mgu74bcdf | Biocore Data Team | mgu74bcdf |
mgu74bprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mgu74b |
mgu74bv2.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Murine Genome U74v2 annotation data (chip mgu74bv2) |
mgu74bv2cdf | Biocore Data Team | mgu74bv2cdf |
mgu74bv2probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mgu74bv2 |
mgu74c.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Murine Genome U74v2 annotation data (chip mgu74c) |
mgu74ccdf | Biocore Data Team | mgu74ccdf |
mgu74cprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mgu74c |
mgu74cv2.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Murine Genome U74v2 annotation data (chip mgu74cv2) |
mgu74cv2cdf | Biocore Data Team | mgu74cv2cdf |
mgu74cv2probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mgu74cv2 |
mguatlas5k.db | Biocore Data Team | Clontech BD Atlas Long Oligos Mouse 5K annotation data (chip mguatlas5k) |
mgug4104a.db | Biocore Data Team | Agilent annotation data (chip mgug4104a) |
mgug4120a.db | Biocore Data Team | Agilent annotation data (chip mgug4120a) |
mgug4121a.db | Biocore Data Team | Agilent Mouse annotation data (chip mgug4121a) |
mgug4122a.db | Biocore Data Team | Agilent "Mouse Genome, Whole" annotation data (chip mgug4122a) |
mi16cod.db | Diego Diez | GE CodeLink Mouse Inflammation 16 Bioarray annotation data (chip mi16cod) |
mirna10cdf | Biocore Data Team | mirna10cdf |
mirna10probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mirna10 |
mm24kresogen.db | Simon de Bernard | RNG_MRC Mouse Pangenomic 24k Set annotation data (chip mm24kresogen) |
moe430a.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Mouse Expression Set 430 annotation data (chip moe430a) |
moe430acdf | Biocore Data Team | moe430acdf |
moe430aprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type moe430a |
moe430b.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Mouse Expression Set 430 annotation data (chip moe430b) |
moe430bcdf | Biocore Data Team | moe430bcdf |
moe430bprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type moe430b |
mogene10stprobeset.db | Li, Arthur | Affymetrix Human Gene 1.0-ST Array Revision 4 annotation data (chip mogene10stprobeset) |
mogene10sttranscriptcluster.db | Li, Arthur | Affymetrix Human Gene 1.0-ST Array Revision 3 annotation data (chip mogene10sttranscriptcluster) |
mogene10stv1.r3cdf | Biocore Data Team | mogene10stv1.r3cdf |
mouse.db0 | Biocore Data Team | Base Level Annotation databases for mouse |
mouse4302.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Mouse Genome 430 2.0 Array annotation data (chip mouse4302) |
mouse4302cdf | Biocore Data Team | mouse4302cdf |
mouse4302probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mouse4302 |
mouse430a2.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Mouse Genome 430A 2.0 Array annotation data (chip mouse430a2) |
mouse430a2cdf | Biocore Data Team | mouse430a2cdf |
mouse430a2probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mouse430a2 |
mouseCHRLOC | Biocore Data Team | A data package containing annotation data for mouseCHRLOC |
mpedbarray.db | Biocore Data Team | FHCRC Nelson Lab mpedbarray Annotation Data (mpedbarray) |
mu11ksuba.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Murine 11K Set annotation data (chip mu11ksuba) |
mu11ksubacdf | Biocore Data Team | mu11ksubacdf |
mu11ksubaprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mu11ksuba |
mu11ksubb.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Murine 11K Set annotation data (chip mu11ksubb) |
mu11ksubbcdf | Biocore Data Team | mu11ksubbcdf |
mu11ksubbprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mu11ksubb |
Mu15v1.db | Biocore Data Team | FHCRC Genomics Shared Resource Mu15v1 Annotation Data (Mu15v1) |
mu19ksuba.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Murine Genome 19k Set annotation data (chip mu19ksuba) |
mu19ksubacdf | Biocore Data Team | mu19ksubacdf |
mu19ksubb.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Murine Genome 19k Set annotation data (chip mu19ksubb) |
mu19ksubbcdf | Biocore Data Team | mu19ksubbcdf |
mu19ksubc.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Murine Genome 19k Set annotation data (chip mu19ksubc) |
mu19ksubccdf | Biocore Data Team | mu19ksubccdf |
Mu22v3.db | Biocore Data Team | FHCRC Genomics Shared Resource Mu22v3 Annotation Data (Mu22v3) |
mu6500subacdf | Biocore Data Team | mu6500subacdf |
mu6500subbcdf | Biocore Data Team | mu6500subbcdf |
mu6500subccdf | Biocore Data Team | mu6500subccdf |
mu6500subdcdf | Biocore Data Team | mu6500subdcdf |
mwgcod.db | Diego Diez | GE CodeLink Mouse Whole Genome Bioarray (~36 000 mouse gene targets) annotation data (chip mwgcod) |
Norway981.db | Biocore Data Team | Norway981 Annotation Data (Norway981) |
nugohs1a520180.db | Philip de Groot | Affymetrix nugohs1a520180 annotation data (chip nugohs1a520180) |
nugohs1a520180cdf | Philip de Groot | nugohs1a520180cdf |
nugohs1a520180probe | Philip de Groot | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type nugohs1a520180 |
nugomm1a520177.db | Philip de Groot | Affymetrix nugomm1a520177 annotation data (chip nugomm1a520177) |
nugomm1a520177cdf | Philip de Groot | nugomm1a520177cdf |
nugomm1a520177probe | Philip de Groot | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type nugomm1a520177 |
OperonHumanV3.db | Biocore Data Team | FHCRC Nelson Lab OperonHumanV3 Annotation Data (OperonHumanV3) | | Biocore Data Team | Genome wide annotation for Anopheles |
org.At.tair.db | Biocore Data Team | Genome wide annotation for Arabidopsis | | Biocore Data Team | Genome wide annotation for Bovine | | Biocore Data Team | Genome wide annotation for Worm | | Biocore Data Team | Genome wide annotation for Canine | | Biocore Data Team | Genome wide annotation for Fly | | Biocore Data Team | Genome wide annotation for Zebrafish | | Biocore Data Team | Genome wide annotation for E coli strain K12 | | Biocore Data Team | Genome wide annotation for E coli strain Sakai | | Biocore Data Team | Genome wide annotation for Chicken | | Hong Li | A data package containing annotation data for |
org.Hs.cross.db | Hong Li | A data package containing annotation data for org.Hs.cross.db | | Biocore Data Team | Genome wide annotation for Human |
org.Hs.goa.db | Hong Li | A data package containing annotation data for org.Hs.goa.db |
org.Hs.ipi.db | Hong Li | A data package containing annotation data for org.Hs.ipi.db |
org.Hs.pep.db | Hong Li | A data package containing annotation data for org.Hs.pep.db |
org.Hs.ref.db | Hong Li | A data package containing annotation data for org.Hs.ref.db |
org.Hs.sp.db | Hong Li | A data package containing annotation data for org.Hs.sp.db |
org.HsMm.ortholog.db | Hong Li | A data package containing annotation data for org.HsMm.ortholog.db |
org.Mm.cross.db | Hong Li | A data package containing annotation data for org.Mm.cross.db | | Biocore Data Team | Genome wide annotation for Mouse |
org.Mm.ipi.db | Hong Li | A data package containing annotation data for org.Mm.ipi.db |
org.Mm.ref.db | Hong Li | A data package containing annotation data for org.Mm.ref.db |
org.Mm.sp.db | Hong Li | A data package containing annotation data for org.Mm.sp.db | | Biocore Data Team | Genome wide annotation for Rhesus |
org.Pf.plasmo.db | Biocore Data Team | Genome wide annotation for Malaria | | Biocore Data Team | Genome wide annotation for Chimp |
org.Rn.cross.db | Hong Li | A data package containing annotation data for org.Rn.cross.db | | Biocore Data Team | Genome wide annotation for Rat |
org.Rn.ipi.db | Hong Li | A data package containing annotation data for org.Rn.ipi.db |
org.Rn.ref.db | Hong Li | A data package containing annotation data for org.Rn.ref.db |
org.Rn.sp.db | Hong Li | A data package containing annotation data for org.Rn.sp.db |
org.Sc.sgd.db | Biocore Data Team | Genome wide annotation for Yeast | | Biocore Data Team | Genome wide annotation for Pig | | Biocore Data Team | Genome wide annotation for Xenopus |
paeg1acdf | Biocore Data Team | paeg1acdf |
paeg1aprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type paeg1a |
PartheenMetaData.db | Biocore Data Team | PartheenMetaData Annotation Data (PartheenMetaData) |
pd.genomewidesnp.5 | Benilton Carvalho | Platform Design Info for Affymetrix GenomeWideSNP_5 |
pd.genomewidesnp.6 | Benilton Carvalho | Platform Design Info for Affymetrix GenomeWideSNP_6 |
pd.hg18.60mer.expr | Benilton Carvalho | Platform Design Info for NimbleGen hg18_60mer_expr | | Benilton Carvalho | Platform Design Info for Affymetrix HuEx-1_0-st-v2 | | Benilton Carvalho | Platform Design Info for Affymetrix HuGene-1_0-st-v1 |
pd.mapping250k.nsp | Benilton Carvalho | Platform Design Info for Affymetrix Mapping250K_Nsp |
pd.mapping250k.sty | Benilton Carvalho | Platform Design Info for Affymetrix Mapping250K_Sty |
pd.mapping50k.hind240 | Benilton Carvalho | Platform Design Info for Affymetrix Mapping50K_Hind240 |
pd.mapping50k.xba240 | Benilton Carvalho | Platform Design Info for Affymetrix Mapping50K_Xba240 | | Benilton Carvalho | Platform Design Info for Affymetrix MoEx-1_0-st-v1 | | Benilton Carvalho | Platform Design Info for Affymetrix MoGene-1_0-st-v1 | | Benilton Carvalho | Platform Design Info for Affymetrix RaEx-1_0-st-v1 | | Benilton Carvalho | Platform Design Info for Affymetrix RaGene-1_0-st-v1 |
pedbarrayv10.db | Biocore Data Team | FHCRC Nelson Lab pedbarrayv10 Annotation Data (pedbarrayv10) |
pedbarrayv9.db | Biocore Data Team | FHCRC Nelson Lab pedbarrayv9 Annotation Data (pedbarrayv9) |
PFAM.db | Biocore Data Team | A set of protein ID mappings for PFAM |
pig.db0 | Biocore Data Team | Base Level Annotation databases for pig |
plasmodiumanophelescdf | Biocore Data Team | plasmodiumanophelescdf |
plasmodiumanophelesprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type plasmodiumanopheles |
POCRCannotation.db | Biocore Data Team | A package containing metadata for POCRC arrays |
poplarcdf | Biocore Data Team | poplarcdf |
poplarprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type poplar |
porcinecdf | Biocore Data Team | porcinecdf |
porcineprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type porcine |
r10kcod.db | Diego Diez | GE CodeLink UniSet Rat I Bioarray (~10 000 rat gene targets) annotation data (chip r10kcod) |
rae230a.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Rat Expression Set 230 annotation data (chip rae230a) |
rae230acdf | Biocore Data Team | rae230acdf |
rae230aprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rae230a |
rae230b.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Rat Expression Set 230 annotation data (chip rae230b) |
rae230bcdf | Biocore Data Team | rae230bcdf |
rae230bprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rae230b |
ragene10stprobeset.db | Li, Arthur | Affymetrix Human Gene 1.0-ST Array Revision 4 annotation data (chip ragene10stprobeset) |
ragene10sttranscriptcluster.db | Li, Arthur | Affymetrix Human Gene 1.0-ST Array Revision 3 annotation data (chip ragene10sttranscriptcluster) |
ragene10stv1.r3cdf | Biocore Data Team | ragene10stv1.r3cdf |
rat.db0 | Biocore Data Team | Base Level Annotation databases for rat |
rat2302.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Rat Genome 230 2.0 Array annotation data (chip rat2302) |
rat2302cdf | Biocore Data Team | rat2302cdf |
rat2302probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rat2302 |
ratCHRLOC | Biocore Data Team | A data package containing annotation data for ratCHRLOC |
rattoxfxcdf | Biocore Data Team | rattoxfxcdf |
rattoxfxprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rattoxfx |
rgu34a.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Rat Genome U34 Set annotation data (chip rgu34a) |
rgu34acdf | Biocore Data Team | rgu34acdf |
rgu34aprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rgu34a |
rgu34b.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Rat Genome U34 Set annotation data (chip rgu34b) |
rgu34bcdf | Biocore Data Team | rgu34bcdf |
rgu34bprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rgu34b |
rgu34c.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Rat Genome U34 Set annotation data (chip rgu34c) |
rgu34ccdf | Biocore Data Team | rgu34ccdf |
rgu34cprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rgu34c |
rguatlas4k.db | Biocore Data Team | Clontech BD Atlas Long Oligos Rat 4K annotation data (chip rguatlas4k) |
rgug4105a.db | Biocore Data Team | Agilent annotation data (chip rgug4105a) |
rgug4130a.db | Biocore Data Team | Agilent Rat annotation data (chip rgug4130a) |
rgug4131a.db | Biocore Data Team | Agilent "Rat Genome, Whole" annotation data (chip rgug4131a) |
rhesus.db0 | Biocore Data Team | Base Level Annotation databases for rhesus |
rhesuscdf | Biocore Data Team | rhesuscdf |
rhesusprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rhesus |
ri16cod.db | Diego Diez | GE CodeLink Rat Inflammation 16 Bioarray annotation data (chip ri16cod) |
ricecdf | Biocore Data Team | ricecdf |
riceprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rice |
RmiR.Hs.miRNA | Francesco Favero | Various databases of microRNA Targets |
RmiR.hsa | Francesco Favero | Various databases of microRNA Targets |
rnu34.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Rat Neurobiology U34 Array annotation data (chip rnu34) |
rnu34cdf | Biocore Data Team | rnu34cdf |
rnu34probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rnu34 |
Roberts2005Annotation.db | Biocore Data Team | Roberts2005Annotation Annotation Data (Roberts2005Annotation) |
rtu34.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Rat Toxicology U34 Array annotation data (chip rtu34) |
rtu34cdf | Biocore Data Team | rtu34cdf |
rtu34probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rtu34 |
rwgcod.db | Diego Diez | GE CodeLink Rat Whole Genome Bioarray (~34 000 rat gene targets) annotation data (chip rwgcod) |
saureuscdf | Biocore Data Team | saureuscdf |
saureusprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type saureus |
sc.bacello.db | Hong Li | A data package containing annotation data for sc.bacello.db |
sc.dbsubloc.db | Hong Li | A data package containing annotation data for sc.dbsubloc.db |
scop.db | Hong Li | A data package containing annotation data for scop.db |
SHDZ.db | Biocore Data Team | SHDZ Annotation Data (SHDZ) |
SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP.20071016 | H. Pages | SNP locations for Homo sapiens |
SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP.20080617 | H. Pages | SNP locations for Homo sapiens |
SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP.20090506 | H. Pages | SNP locations for Homo sapiens (dbSNP BUILD 130) |
soybeancdf | Biocore Data Team | soybeancdf |
soybeanprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type soybean |
sugarcanecdf | Biocore Data Team | sugarcanecdf |
sugarcaneprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type sugarcane |
sysptm.db | Hong Li | A data package containing annotation data for sysptm.db |
test1cdf | Biocore Data Team | test1cdf |
test2cdf | Biocore Data Team | test2cdf |
test3cdf | Biocore Data Team | test3cdf |
test3probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type test3 |
tomatocdf | Biocore Data Team | tomatocdf |
tomatoprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type tomato |
u133aaofav2cdf | Biocore Data Team | u133aaofav2cdf |
u133x3p.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Human X3P Array annotation data (chip u133x3p) |
u133x3pcdf | Biocore Data Team | u133x3pcdf |
u133x3pprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type u133x3p |
vitisviniferacdf | Biocore Data Team | vitisviniferacdf |
vitisviniferaprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type vitisvinifera |
wheatcdf | Biocore Data Team | wheatcdf |
wheatprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type wheat |
worm.db0 | Biocore Data Team | Base Level Annotation databases for worm |
xenopus.db0 | Biocore Data Team | Base Level Annotation databases for xenopus |
xenopuslaeviscdf | Biocore Data Team | xenopuslaeviscdf |
xenopuslaevisprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type xenopuslaevis |
xlaevis.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Xenopus laevis annotation data (chip xlaevis) |
xlaevis2cdf | Biocore Data Team | xlaevis2cdf |
xtropicaliscdf | Biocore Data Team | xtropicaliscdf |
xtropicalisprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type xtropicalis |
ye6100subacdf | Biocore Data Team | ye6100subacdf |
ye6100subbcdf | Biocore Data Team | ye6100subbcdf |
ye6100subccdf | Biocore Data Team | ye6100subccdf |
ye6100subdcdf | Biocore Data Team | ye6100subdcdf |
yeast.db0 | Biocore Data Team | Base Level Annotation databases for yeast |
yeast2.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Yeast Genome 2.0 Array annotation data (chip yeast2) |
yeast2cdf | Biocore Data Team | yeast2cdf |
yeast2probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type yeast2 |
ygs98.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix Yeast Genome S98 Array annotation data (chip ygs98) |
ygs98cdf | Biocore Data Team | ygs98cdf |
ygs98probe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type ygs98 |
zebrafish.db | Biocore Data Team | Affymetrix zebrafish annotation data (chip zebrafish) |
zebrafish.db0 | Biocore Data Team | Base Level Annotation databases for zebrafish |
zebrafishcdf | Biocore Data Team | zebrafishcdf |
zebrafishprobe | Biocore Data Team | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type zebrafish |
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