\name{YAQCStats-class} \docType{class} \alias{YAQCStats-class} \alias{isLog,YAQCStats-method} \alias{target,YAQCStats-method} \alias{avns,YAQCStats-method} \alias{moreSpikeInProbes,YAQCStats-method} \alias{gcosProbes,YAQCStats-method} \alias{bioCalls,YAQCStats-method} \alias{isLog-methods} \alias{target-methods} \alias{avns-methods} \alias{moreSpikeInProbes-methods} \alias{gcosProbes-methods} \alias{bioCalls-methods} \alias{arrays-methods} \alias{plot,YAQCStats,ANY-method} \alias{summary,YAQCStats,ANY-method} \alias{show,YAQCStats-method} \alias{merge,YAQCStats-method} \alias{arrays,YAQCStats-method} \title{Class "YAQCStats" } \description{Holds Quality Control data for a set of Affymetrix arrays} \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{yaqc(object)} where object is of class \code{AffyBatch} of \code{ExpressionSet}. YAQCStats is a subclass of \code{QCStats} and uses the \code{scale.factor}, \code{average.background} and \code{percent.present}, \code{arraytype} and \code{target} attributes of it's subclass. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{log}:}{Object of class \code{"logical"} that specifies if expression values are in log2 form} \item{\code{average.noise}:}{Object of class \code{"numeric"} The average noise for the arrays } \item{\code{morespikes}:}{Object of class \code{"matrix"} More spiked in probes (e.g. r2biob5, r2biob3,...) } \item{\code{gcos.probes}:}{Object of class \code{"matrix"} GAPDH and \eqn{\beta}-actin qc probes (e.g. gapdh 3,5,M,...) containing the GCOS values} \item{\code{bio.calls}:}{Object of class \code{"matrix"} BioB 5',3',M and BioC, BioC 5',3' present/absent/marginal calls } } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{isLog}{\code{signature(object = "YAQCStats")}: are intensities in log2 form} \item{avns}{\code{signature(object = "YAQCStats")}: average noise} \item{moreSpikeInProbes}{\code{signature(object = "YAQCStats")}: more spike-in probes } \item{gcosProbes}{\code{signature(object = "YAQCStats")}: GCOS values of gapdh and actin QC probes } \item{bioCalls}{\code{signature(object = "YAQCStats")}: P/M/A calls for BioB, BioC and BioD spikes } \item{arrays}{\code{signature(object = "YAQCStats")}: shows the array names composing the \code{YAQCStats} object } \item{plot}{\code{signature(object = "YAQCStats")}: visual representation of the qc metrics } \item{summary}{\code{signature(object = "YAQCStats")}: data frame summary of the outliers } \item{show}{\code{signature(object = "YAQCStats")}: displays the content of the object as a data frame } \item{merge}{\code{signature(object = "YAQCStats")}: merges two compatible YAQCStats objects, i.e. that have the same values for the \code{log}, \code{target} and \code{arraytype} slots. } \item{arrays}{\code{signature(object = "YAQCStats")}: show the array names of an YAQCStats objects. } } } \author{ Laurent Gatto } \seealso{QCStats-class} \keyword{classes}