\name{vsnPlotPar} \alias{vsnPlotPar} \title{Plot trajectories of calibration and transformation parameters for a vsn fit} \description{Plot trajectories of calibration and transformation parameters for a vsn fit} \usage{vsnPlotPar(x, what, xlab="iter", ylab=what, \dots)} \arguments{ \item{x}{An object of class \code{\link[Biobase:class.ExpressionSet]{ExpressionSet-class}} which has been created by the function \code{\link{vsn}}.} \item{what}{Character, should either be "factors" or "offsets".} \item{xlab}{Character, label for the x-axis.} \item{ylab}{Character, label for the y-axis.} \item{\dots}{Further arguments that get passed to plot.default.} } \details{The plot that is created by this function may help in assessing whether the parameter estimation in \code{\link{vsn}} was sufficiently converged.} \value{ The function is called for its side effect, creating a plot on the active graphics device. } \author{Wolfgang Huber \url{http://www.ebi.ac.uk/huber}} \seealso{\code{\link{vsn}}} \examples{ ## see example for vsn } \keyword{hplot}