\name{vsn} \docType{class} \alias{class:vsn} \alias{vsn-class} \alias{[,vsn-method} \alias{dim,vsn-method} \alias{nrow,vsn-method} \alias{ncol,vsn-method} \alias{show,vsn-method} \alias{exprs,vsn-method} \alias{coef,vsn-method} \alias{coefficients,vsn-method} \title{ Class to contain result of a vsn fit } \description{ Class to contain result of a vsn fit } \section{Creating Objects}{ \code{new("vsn")} \code{vsn2(x)} with \code{x} being an \code{\link[Biobase:class.ExpressionSet]{ExpressionSet}}. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{coefficients}:}{A 3D array of size (number of strata) x (number of columns of the data matrix) x 2. It contains the fitted normalization parameters (see vignette).} \item{\code{strata}:}{A factor of length 0 or n. If its length is n, then its levels correspond to different normalization strata (see vignette).} \item{\code{mu}:}{A numeric vector of length n with the fitted parameters \eqn{\hat{\mu}_k}, for \eqn{k=1,...,n}.} \item{\code{sigsq}:}{A numeric scalar, \eqn{\hat{\sigma}^2}.} \item{\code{hx}:}{A numeric matrix with 0 or n rows. If the number of rows is n, then \code{hx} contains the transformed data matrix.} \item{\code{lbfgsb}:}{An integer scalar containing the return code from the L-BFGS-B optimizer.} \item{\code{hoffset}:}{Numeric scalar, the overall offset \eqn{c}- see manual page of \code{\link{vsn2}}.} \item{\code{calib}:}{Character of length 1, see manual page of \code{\link{vsn2}}.} }} \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{\code{[}}{Subset} \item{\code{dim}}{Get dimensions of data matrix.} \item{\code{nrow}}{Get number of rows of data matrix.} \item{\code{ncol}}{Get number of columns of data matrix.} \item{\code{show}}{Print a summary of the object} \item{\code{exprs}}{Accessor to slot \code{hx}.} \item{\code{coef}, \code{coefficients}}{Accessors to slot \code{coefficients}.} }} \author{Wolfgang Huber \url{http://www.ebi.ac.uk/huber}} \seealso{ \code{\link{vsn2}} } \examples{ data("kidney") v = vsn2(kidney) show(v) dim(v) v[1:10, ] } \keyword{classes}