\name{runGLAD} \alias{runGLAD} \title{Results of segmenting an aCGHList data object using the GLAD library} \description{ This function allows the detection of breakpoints in genomic profiles obtained by array CGH technology and affects a status (gain, normal or lost) to each clone. It requires that the library \code{GLAD} is loaded. } \usage{ runGLAD(input, smoothfunc="lawsglad", base=FALSE, sigma = NULL, bandwidth=10, round=2, lambdabreak=8, lambdacluster=8, lambdaclusterGen=40, type="tricubic", param=c(d=6), alpha=0.001, method="centroid", nmax=8, verbose=FALSE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{input}{An object of class \code{\link[limma:malist]{MAList}} or \code{\link[snapCGH:SegList]{SegList}}} \item{smoothfunc}{Type of algorithm used to smooth \code{LogRatio} by a piecewise constant function. Choose either \code{lawsglad}, \code{aws::aws} or \code{aws::laws}.} \item{base}{If \code{TRUE}, the position of clone is the physical position onto the chromosome, otherwise the rank position is used.} \item{sigma}{Value to be passed to either argument \code{sigma2} of \code{aws::aws} function or \code{shape} of \code{aws::laws}. If \code{NULL}, sigma is calculated from the data.} \item{bandwidth}{Set the maximal bandwidth \code{hmax} in the \code{aws::aws} or \code{aws::laws} function. For example, if \code{bandwidth=10} then the \code{hmax} value is set to 10*\eqn{X_N} where \eqn{X_N} is the position of the last clone.} \item{round}{The smoothing results are rounded or not depending on the \code{round} argument. The \code{round} value is passed to the argument \code{digits} of the \code{\link[base:Round]{round}} function.} \item{lambdabreak}{Penalty term (\eqn{\lambda'}) used during the \bold{Optimization of the number of breakpoints} step.} \item{lambdacluster}{Penalty term (\eqn{\lambda*}) used during the \bold{MSHR clustering by chromosome} step.} \item{lambdaclusterGen}{Penalty term (\eqn{\lambda*}) used during the \bold{HCSR clustering throughout the genome} step.} \item{type}{Type of kernel function used in the penalty term during the \bold{Optimization of the number of breakpoints} step, the \bold{MSHR clustering by chromosome} step and the \bold{HCSR clustering throughout the genome} step.} \item{param}{Parameter of kernel used in the penalty term.} \item{alpha}{Parameter for ?????.} \item{method}{The agglomeration method to be used during the \bold{MSHR clustering by chromosome} and the \bold{HCSR clustering throughout the genome} clustering steps.} \item{nmax}{Maximum number of clusters (N*max) allowed during the the \bold{MSHR clustering by chromosome} and the \bold{HCSR clustering throughout the genome} clustering steps.} \item{verbose}{If \code{TRUE} some information are printed} \item{...}{} } \details{ For a detailed explanation of the GLAD algorithm please see the relevant section of the GLAD manual: \code{\link[GLAD]{glad}} } \value{ The function returns an object of class \code{\link[snapCGH:SegList]{SegList}} } \seealso{ \code{\link[GLAD]{glad}} \code{\link[limma:malist]{MAList}} \code{\link{runHomHMM}} \code{\link{runDNAcopy}} \code{\link[snapCGH:SegList]{SegList}} } \keyword{methods}