\name{mmgmos} \alias{mmgmos} \title{ Multi-chip modified gamma Model for Oligonucleotide Signal } \description{ This function converts an object of class \code{\link[affy:AffyBatch-class]{AffyBatch}} into an object of class \code{\link{exprReslt}} using the Multi-chip modified gamma Model for Oligonucleotide Signal (multi-mgMOS). This function obtains confidence of measures, standard deviation and 5, 25, 50, 75 and 95 percentiles, as well as the estimated expression levels. } \usage{ mmgmos( object , background=FALSE , replaceZeroIntensities=TRUE , gsnorm=c("median", "none", "mean", "meanlog") , savepar=FALSE , eps=1.0e-6 , orig.phis = FALSE , addConstant = 0 ) } \arguments{ \item{object}{an object of \code{\link[affy:AffyBatch-class]{AffyBatch}}} \item{background}{Logical value. If \code{TRUE}, perform background correction before applying mmgmos.} \item{replaceZeroIntensities}{Logical value. If \code{TRUE}, replace 0 intensities with 1 before applying mmgmos.} \item{gsnorm}{character. specifying the algorithm of global scaling normalisation.} \item{savepar}{Logical value. If \code{TRUE} the estimated parameters of the model are saved in file par\_mmgmos.txt and phi\_mmgmos.txt. } \item{eps}{Optimisation termination criteria.} \item{orig.phis}{Logical value. If \code{TRUE}, use phi values created from hgu95a array.} \item{addConstant}{numeric. This is an experimental feature and should not generally be changed from the default value. } } \details{ The obtained expression measures are in log base 2 scale. The algorithms of global scaling normalisation can be one of "median", "none", "mean", "meanlog". "mean" and "meanlog" are mean-centered normalisation on raw scale and log scale respectively, and "median" is median-centered normalisation. "none" will result in no global scaling normalisation being applied. There are 2*n+2 columns in file par\_mmgmos.txt, n is the number of chips. The first n columns are 'alpha' values for n chips, the next n columns are 'a' values for n chips, column 2*n+1 is 'c' values and the final column is values for 'd'. The file phi\_mmgmos.txt keeps the final optimal value of 'phi'. } \value{ An object of class \code{exprReslt}. } \references{Liu,X., Milo,M., Lawrence,N.D. and Rattray,M. (2005) A tractable probabilistic model for Affymetrix probe-level analysis across multiple chips, Bioinformatics 21: 3637-3644. Milo,M., Niranjan,M., Holley,M.C., Rattray,M. and Lawrence,N.D. (2004) A probabilistic approach for summarising oligonucleotide gene expression data, technical report available upon request. Milo,M., Fazeli,A., Niranjan,M. and Lawrence,N.D. (2003) A probabilistic model for the extractioin of expression levels from oligonucleotide arrays, Biochemical Society Transactions, 31: 1510-1512. Peter Spellucci. DONLP2 code and accompanying documentation. Electronically available via http://plato.la.asu.edu/donlp2.html} \author{Xuejun Liu, Magnus Rattray, Marta Milo, Neil D. Lawrence} \seealso{ Related class \code{\link{exprReslt-class}} and related method \code{\link{mgmos}}} \examples{ ## Code can be commented out to speed up checks, but left in for now for debugging (June 1, 2009) ## load example data from package affydata if (require(affydata)) data(Dilution) ## use method mmgMOS to calculate the expression levels and related confidence ## of the measures for the example data eset<-mmgmos(Dilution) } \keyword{manip}