\name{svdPca} \alias{svdPca} \title{Perform principal component analysis using singular value decomposition} \description{A wrapper function for R's standard function \code{prcomp}. Delivers the result as a \code{pcaRes} method for compatibility with the rest of the pcaMethods package. It is not recommended to use this function directely but rather to use the pca() wrapper function. } \usage{svdPca(Matrix, nPcs=2, center=TRUE, completeObs=FALSE, varLimit=1, verbose=interactive(), ...)} \arguments{ \item{Matrix}{Numerical matrix samples in rows and variables as columns.} \item{nPcs}{Number of components that should be extracted.} \item{center}{Center the data column wise if TRUE} \item{completeObs}{Return the complete observations. This exisits for compatibility only, as svdPca cannot missing values. If set TRUE the input matrix will be returned in the \code{completeObs} field.} \item{varLimit}{Optionally the ratio of variance that should be explained. \code{nPcs} is ignored if varLimit < 1} \item{verbose}{Verbose complaints to matrix structure} \item{...}{Only used for passing through arguments.} } \details{ svdPca can preferrably be called using \code{pca(object, method="svd")}. } \value{ A \code{pcaRes} object. } \author{Henning Redestig} \seealso{\code{prcomp}, \code{princomp}, \code{pca}} \examples{ data(iris) pcIr <- svdPca(iris[,1:4], nPcs=2) } \keyword{multivariate}