\name{leverage} \alias{leverage} \title{Extract leverages of a PCA model} \description{The leverages of PCA model indicate how much influence each observation has on the PCA model. Observations with high leverage has caused the principal components to rotate towards them. It can be used to extract both "unimportant" observations as well as picking potential outliers.} \usage{leverage(object,...)} \arguments{ \item{object}{a pcaRes object} \item{...}{not used} } \details{Defined as \eqn{Tr(T(T'T)^{-1}T')}{Tr(T(T'T)^(-1)T')}} \value{ The observation leverages as a numeric vector } \references{Introduction to Mult- and Megavaraite Data Analysis uing Projection Methods (PCA and PLS), L. Eriksson, E. Johansson, N. Kettaneh-Wold and S. Wold, Umetrics 1999, p. 466} \author{Henning Redestig} \examples{ data(iris) pcIr <- pca(iris[,1:4]) ## versicolor has the lowest leverage plot(leverage(pcIr)~iris$Species) } \keyword{multivariate}