\name{fitted.pcaRes} \alias{fitted.pcaRes} \alias{fitted,pcaRes-method} \title{Extract fitted values from PCA.} \description{This function extracts the fitted values from a pcaRes object. For PCA methods like SVD, Nipals, PPCA etc this is basically just the scores multipled by the loadings, for non-linear PCA the original data is propagated through the network to obtain the approximated data.} \usage{fitted.pcaRes(object, data=NULL, nPcs=object@nPcs,...)} \arguments{ \item{object}{\code{pcaRes} the \code{pcaRes} object of interest.} \item{data}{\code{matrix} For standard PCA methods this can safely be left null to get scores x loadings but if set then the scores are obtained by projecting provided data onto the loadings. Non-linear PCA is an exception, here if data is NULL then data is set to the completeObs and propagated through the network.} \item{nPcs}{\code{numeric} The amount of PC's to consider} \item{...}{Not passed on anywhere, included for S3 consistency.} } \value{A matrix with the fitted values.} \examples{ data(iris) pcIr <- pca(iris[,1:4]) head(fitted(pcIr, nPcs=1)) } \keyword{multivariate} \author{Henning Redestig }