\encoding{latin1} \name{Q2} \alias{Q2} \title{Perform internal cross-validation for PCA} \description{Internal cross-validation can be used for estimating the level of structure in a data set and to optimise the choice of number of principal components.} \usage{Q2(object, originalData, nPcs=object@nPcs, fold=5, nruncv=10, segments=NULL, verbose=interactive(), ...)} \arguments{ \item{object}{A \code{pcaRes} object (result from previous PCA analysis.)} \item{originalData}{The matrix (or ExpressionSet) that used to obtain the pcaRes object. Must not contain any missing values.} \item{nPcs}{The amount of principal components to estimate Q2 for.} \item{fold}{The amount of groups to divide the data in.} \item{nruncv}{The amount of times to repeat the whole cross-validation} \item{segments}{\code{list} A predefined list where each element is the set of indices to leave out. Note that if this is provided, Q2 becomes deterministic (if the PCA is deterministic of course).} \item{verbose}{\code{boolean} If TRUE Q2 outputs a primitive progress bar.} \item{...}{Further arguments passed to the pca() function called within Q2} } \details{ This method calculates \eqn{Q^2} for a PCA model. This is the predictory version of \eqn{R^2} and can be interpreted as the ratio of variance in a left out data chunk that can be estimated by the PCA model. Poor (low) \eqn{Q^2} means that the PCA model only describes noise and that the model is unrelated to the true data structure. The definition of \eqn{Q^2} is: \deqn{Q^2 = 1 - \frac{\sum_{i}^{k}\sum_{j}^{n}(x - \hat{x})^2}{\sum_{i}^{k}\sum_{j}^{n}x^2}}{Q^2 = 1 - sum_i^k sum_j^n (x - \hat{x})^2 / \sum_i^k \sum_j^n(x^2)} for the matrix \eqn{x} which has \eqn{n} rows and \eqn{k} columns. For a given amount of PC's x is estimated as \eqn{\hat{x} = TP'} (T are scores and P are loadings). Though this defines the leave-one-out cross-validation this is not what is performed if fold is less than the amount of rows and/or columns. Diagonal rows of elements in the matrix are deleted and the re-estimated. You can choose your own segmentation as well make sure no complete row or column is lost. } \value{ A matrix with \eqn{Q^2} estimates. } \references{ Wold, H. (1966) Estimation of principal components and related models by iterative least squares. In Multivariate Analysis (Ed., P.R. Krishnaiah), Academic Press, NY, 391-420. } \author{Wolfram Stacklies, Henning Redestig} \seealso{\code{\link{pca}}} \examples{ data(iris) pcIr <- pca(iris[,1:4], nPcs=2, method="ppca") #can only get Q2 estimats for the two first PC's q2 <- Q2(pcIr, iris[,1:4], nruncv=2) #Typically Q2 increases only very slowly after the optimal amount of PC's boxplot(q2~row(q2), xlab="Amount of PC's", ylab=expression(Q^2)) } \keyword{multivariate}