\name{antisenseThetaA} \alias{antisenseThetaA} \alias{antisenseThetaB} \alias{senseThetaA} \alias{senseThetaB} \alias{antisenseThetaA,SnpQSet-method} \alias{antisenseThetaB,SnpQSet-method} \alias{senseThetaA,SnpQSet-method} \alias{senseThetaB,SnpQSet-method} \alias{thetaA} \alias{thetaB} \alias{thetaA,SnpCnvQSet-method} \alias{thetaB,SnpCnvQSet-method} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Summarized Measures for SNP} \description{ SNPRMA summarizes the intensities for each SNP into 4 quantities. These measures are at the log2 scale and are used to create log-ratios and log-averages, which are used by the genotype algorithm and copy number tool. } \usage{ antisenseThetaA(object) antisenseThetaB(object) senseThetaA(object) senseThetaB(object) thetaA(object) thetaB(object) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{object}{\code{SnpQSet} object} } \details{ For a given SNP, an Affymetrix SNP array usually contains multiple features for each combination allele x strand, on which the summaries are computed. } \value{ A matrix with R rows (SNP's) x C columns (Samples). } \seealso{\code{\link[oligo]{snprma}}, \code{\link[oligo]{crlmm}}} \keyword{manip}