\name{getDensityMatrix} \alias{getDensityMatrix} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Calculate density matrix from raw p-value matrix} \description{ Fit a 3 component BUM model to each column of a raw p-value matrix. } \usage{ getDensityMatrix(Porig, dirname=NULL, startab=c(0.3,10), startlam=c(0.6,0.1,0.3), tol=1e-4) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{Porig}{matrix of raw p-values} \item{dirname}{name of a directory to save histograms and QQ-plots to. If dirname=NULL, then the plots are made to the screen, and after each fit the user is asked to press a key in order to continue.} \item{startab}{start values for alpha and beta parameter} \item{startlam}{start values for mixing coefficients} \item{tol}{convergence tolerance: If the absolute likelihood ratio -1 becomes smaller than this value, then the EM algorithm is supposed to be converged.} } \details{ The BUM density model consists of 3 components: $f(x) = lambda_1 + lambda_2*dbeta(x,alpha,1) + lambda_3*dbeta(x,1,beta)$. The mixing coefficients and the parameters alpha and beta are fitted together via an EM algorithm. } \value{ log-density matrix of same dimensions as Porig: The log-densities can be interpreted as log signal-to-noise ratios. A value > 0 means higher signal than noise, and a value < 0 a higher noise than signal. } \note{Note the difference to the previous package version: the LOG-density is returned now!} \author{ Holger Froehlich } \keyword{models}