\name{vis.res} \alias{vis.res} \alias{pr} \alias{rates} \alias{fscores} \alias{show.pr} \alias{show.roc} \title{Visualize Results} \description{ A group of functions to plot precision-recall and ROC curves and to compute f-scores from the data.frame returned by the \code{\link{validate}} function. } \usage{ pr(table) rates(table) fscores(table, beta=1) show.pr(table,device=-1,...) show.roc(table,device=-1,...) } \arguments{ \item{table}{This is the (\code{steps} x 5) data.frame returned by the \code{validate} function where \code{steps} is the number of thresholds used in the validation process and where columns contain TP,FP,TN,FN values (confusion matrix) as well as the threshold value used - see \code{\link{validate}}.} \item{beta}{Numeric used as the weight of the recall in the f-score formula - see details. The default value of this argument is 1, meaning precision as important as recall.} \item{device}{The device to be used. This parameter allows the user to plot precision-recall and receiver operating characteristic curves for various inference algorithms on the same plotting window - see examples.} \item{...}{ arguments passed to \code{plot} } } \value{ The function \code{show.roc} (\code{show.pr}) plots the ROC-curve (PR-curve) and returns the device associated with the plotting window. The function \code{pr} returns a (\code{steps} x 2) data.frame where steps is the number of thresholds used in the validation process. The first column contains precisions and the second recalls - see details. The function \code{rates} also returns a (\code{steps} x 2) data.frame where the first column contains true positive rates and the second column false positive rates - see details. The function \code{fscores} returns \code{steps} fscores according to the \code{steps} confusion matrices contained in the 'table' argument - see details. } \details{ A confusion matrix contains FP,TP,FN,FP values. \itemize{ \item "true positive rate" \eqn{tpr = \frac{TP}{TN+TP}}{tpr = TP/(TN+TP)} \item "false positive rate" \eqn{fpr = \frac{FP}{FN+FP}}{fpr = FP/(FN+FP)} \item "precision" \eqn{p = \frac{TP}{FP+TP}}{p = TP/(FP+TP)} \item "recall" \eqn{r = \frac{TP}{TP+FN}}{r = TP/(TP+FN)} \item "f-beta-score" \eqn{F_\beta = (1+\beta) \frac{p r} {r + \beta p}}{Fbeta = (1+beta) * p*r/(r + beta*p)} } } \seealso{\code{\link{validate}}, \code{\link{plot}}} \references{ Patrick E. Meyer, Kevin Kontos, Frederic Lafitte, and Gianluca Bontempi. Information-theoretic inference of large transcriptional regulatory networks. EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, 2007. } \examples{ data(syn.data) data(syn.net) # Inference mr <- minet( syn.data, method="mrnet", estimator="mi.empirical" ) ar <- minet( syn.data, method="aracne", estimator="mi.empirical" ) clr<- minet( syn.data, method="clr", estimator="mi.empirical" ) # Validation mr.tbl <- validate(mr,syn.net) ar.tbl <- validate(ar,syn.net) clr.tbl<- validate(clr,syn.net) # Plot PR-Curves max(fscores(mr.tbl)) dev <- show.pr(mr.tbl, col="green", type="b") dev <- show.pr(ar.tbl, device=dev, col="blue", type="b") show.pr(clr.tbl, device=dev, col="red",type="b") } \keyword{misc}