\name{vim.norm} \alias{vim.norm} \alias{vim.signperm} \title{Standardized and Sign-Permutation Based Importance Measure} \description{ Computes a standarized or a sign-permutation based version of either the Single Tree Measure, the Quantitative Response Measure, or the Multiple Tree Measure. } \usage{ vim.norm(object, mu = 0) vim.signperm(object, mu = 0, n.perm = 10000, n.subset = 1000, adjust = "bonferroni", rand = NA) } \arguments{ \item{object}{either the output of \code{\link{logicFS}} or \code{\link{vim.logicFS}} with \code{addMatImp = TRUE}, or the output of \code{\link{logic.bagging}} with \code{importance = TRUE} and \code{addMatImp = TRUE}.} \item{mu}{a non-negative numeric value. Default is zero. However, \code{mu} should actually be set to a value larger than zero. See \code{Details}.} \item{n.perm}{the number of sign permutations used in \code{vim.signperm}.} \item{n.subset}{an integer specifying how many permutations should be considered at once.} \item{adjust}{character vector naming the method with which the raw permutation based p-values are adjusted for multiplicity. If \code{"qvalue"}, the function \code{qvalue.cal} from the package \code{siggenes} is used to compute q-values. Otherwise, \code{p.adjust} is used to adjust for multiple comparisons. See \code{p.adjust} for all other possible specifications of \code{adjust}. If \code{"none"}, the raw p-values will be used. For more details, see \code{Details}.} \item{rand}{an integer for setting the random number generator in a reproducible case.} } \details{ In both \code{vim.norm} and \code{vim.signperm}, an one-sample t-statistic is computed for each prime implicant, where the numerator is given by \eqn{VIM - }\code{mu} with VIM being the single or the multiple tree importance, and the denominator is the corresponding standard error computed by employing the \code{B} improvements of the considered prime implicant in the \code{B} logic regression models, where VIM is the mean over these \code{B} improvements. Note that in the case of a quantitative response, such a standardization is not necessary. Thus, \code{vim.norm} returns a warning when the response is quantitative, and \code{vim.signperm} does not divide \eqn{VIM - }\code{mu} by its sample standard error. As using \code{mu = 0} might lead to calling a prime implicant important, even though it actually shows only improvements of 1 or 0, \code{mu} should be set to a value larger than zero. %A rule of thumb might be to set \code{mu} to about one third of \code{diff}, where a prime implicant %should explain, i.e.\ be true for, at least \code{diff} more cases than controls to be considered %as important. In \code{vim.norm}, the value of this t-statistic is returned as the standardized importance of a prime implicant. The larger this value, the more important is the prime implicant. (This applies to all importance measures -- at least for those contained in this package.) Assuming normality, a possible threshold for a prime implicant to be considered as important is the \eqn{1 - 0.05 / m} quantile of the t-distribution with \eqn{B - 1} degrees of freedom, where \eqn{m} is the number of prime implicants. In \code{vim.signperm}, the sign permutation is used to determine \code{n.perm} permuted values of the one-sample t-statistic, and to compute the raw p-values for each of the prime implicants. Afterwards, these p-values are adjusted for multiple comparisons using the method specified by \code{adjust}. The permutation based importance of a prime implicant is then given by \eqn{1 -} these adjusted p-values. Here, a possible threshold for calling a prime implicant important is 0.95. } \value{ An object of class \code{logicFS} containing \item{primes}{the prime implicants,} \item{vim}{the respective importance of the prime implicants,} \item{prop}{NULL,} \item{type}{the type of model (1: classification, 2: linear regression, 3: logistic regression),} \item{param}{further parameters (if \code{addInfo = TRUE}),} \item{mat.imp}{NULL,} \item{measure}{the name of the used importance measure,} \item{useN}{the value of \code{useN} from the original analysis with, e.g., \code{\link{logicFS}},} \item{threshold}{the threshold suggested in \code{Details},} \item{mu}{\code{mu}.} } \references{ Schwender, H. (2007). Statistical Analysis of Genotype and Gene Expression Data. \emph{Dissertation}, Department of Statistics, University of Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany. } \author{Holger Schwender, \email{holger.schwender@udo.edu}} \seealso{ \code{\link{logic.bagging}}, \code{\link{logicFS}}, \code{\link{vim.logicFS}}, \code{\link{vim.chisq}}, \code{\link{vim.ebam}} } \keyword{logic} \keyword{htest}