\name{vim.input} \alias{vim.individual} \alias{vim.input} \title{VIM for Inputs} \description{ Quantifies the importance of each input variable occuring in at least one of the logic regression models found in the application of \code{logic.bagging}. } \usage{ vim.input(object, useN = NULL, iter = NULL, prop = TRUE, standardize = FALSE, mu = 0, addMatImp = FALSE, prob.case = 0.5, rand = NA) } \arguments{ \item{object}{an object of class \code{logicBagg}, i.e.\ the output of \code{logic.bagging}} \item{useN}{logical specifying if the number of correctly classified out-of-bag observations should be used in the computation of the importance measure. If \code{FALSE}, the proportion of correctly classified oob observations is used instead. If \code{NULL} (default), then the specification of \code{useN} in \code{object} is used.} \item{iter}{integer specifying the number of times the values of the considered variable are permuted in the computation of its importance. If \code{NULL} (default), the values of the variable are not permuted, but the variable is removed from the model.} \item{prop}{should the proportion of logic regression models containing the respective variable also be computed?} \item{standardize}{should a standardized version of the individual variable importance measure be returned? For details, see \code{mu}. In the linear regression case, \code{standardize = FALSE} should be used.} \item{mu}{a non-negative numeric value. Ignored if \code{standardize = FALSE}. Otherwise, a t-statistic for testing the null hypothesis that the importance of the respective variable is equal to \code{mu} is computed.} \item{addMatImp}{should the matrix containing the improvements due to each of the variables in each of the logic regression models be added to the output?} \item{prob.case}{a numeric value between 0 and 1. If the logistic regression approach of logic regression has been used in \code{logic.bagging}, then an observation will be classified as a case (or more exactly, as 1), if the class probability of this observation is larger than \code{prob.case}. Otherwise, \code{prob.case} is ignored.} \item{rand}{an integer for setting the random number generator in a reproducible case.} } \value{ An object of class \code{logicFS} containing \item{vim}{the importances of the variables,} \item{prop}{the proportion of logic regression models containing the respective variable (if \code{prop = TRUE}) or \code{NULL} (if \code{prop = FALSE}),} \item{primes}{the names of the variables,} \item{type}{the type of model (1: classification, 2:linear regression, 3: logistic regression),} \item{param}{further parameters (if \code{addInfo = TRUE} in the previous call of \code{logic.bagging}),} \item{mat.imp}{either a matrix containing the improvements due to the variables for each of the models (if \code{addMatImp = TRUE}), or \code{NULL} (if \code{addMatImp = FALSE}),} \item{measure}{the name of the used importance measure,} \item{useN}{the value of \code{useN},} \item{threshold}{\code{NULL} if \code{standardize = FALSE}, otherwise the \eqn{1-0.05/m} quantile of the t-distribution with \eqn{B-1} degrees of freedom, where \eqn{m} is the number of variables and \eqn{B} is the number of logic regression models composing \code{object},} \item{mu}{\code{mu} (if \code{standardize = TRUE}), or \code{NULL} (otherwise),} \item{iter}{\code{iter}.} } \references{ Holger Schwender (2007).\ Measuring the Importances of Genotypes and Sets of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms.\ Technical Report, SFB 475, Department of Statistics, University of Dortmund.\ Appears soon. } \author{Holger Schwender, \email{holger.schwender@udo.edu}} \seealso{ \code{\link{logic.bagging}}, \code{\link{logicFS}}, \code{\link{vim.logicFS}}, \code{\link{vim.set}}, \code{\link{vim.ebam}}, \code{\link{vim.chisq}} } \keyword{logic} \keyword{htest}