\name{dyebias.rgplot} \alias{dyebias.rgplot} \alias{dyebias.maplot} \title{Produce scatterplots of the hybridization, with strongest dye biases highlighted. } \description{ Plots the $log_2(R)$ vs. $log_2(G)$ (or alternatively $M$ vs. $A$) signal of one slide, highlighting the reporters with the strongest red and green dye bias. Two lines indicate two-fold change. See also Margaritis et~al. (2009), Fig.~1 } \synopsis{ dyebias.rgplot(data, slide, iGSDBs, dyebias.percentile=5, application.subset=TRUE, output=NULL, xlim = c(log2(50),log2(50000)), ylim = c(log2(50),log2(50000)), xticks = c(100,1000,10000,10000), yticks = c(100,1000,10000,10000), pch = 19, cex = 0.3, cex.lab = 1.4, \dots) dyebias.maplot(data, slide, iGSDBs, dyebias.percentile=5, application.subset=TRUE, output=NULL, xlim = c(6,16), ylim = c(-2,2), pch = 19, cex = 0.3, cex.lab = 1.4, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{data}{The \code{marrayNorm} object to plot one slide of. } \item{slide}{The index of the slide to plot; must be > 1, and < \code{maNsamples(data)}} \item{iGSDBs}{A data frame with intrinsic gene-specific dye biases, the same as that used in \code{\link{dyebias.apply.correction}}, probably returned by \cr \code{\link{dyebias.estimate.iGSDBs}}; see there for documentation. } \item{dyebias.percentile}{ The percentile of intrinsic gene specific dye biases (iGSDBs) for which to highlight the reporters. } \item{application.subset}{ The set of reporters that was eligible for dye bias correction; same argument as for \code{\link{dyebias.apply.correction}}. } \item{output}{ Specifies the output. If \code{NULL}, the existing output device is used; if \code{output} is one of \code{"X11", "windows", "quartz"}, a new X11 (Unix)/windows (Windows)/quartz (Mac) device is created. If \code{output} is a string ending in one of \code{".pdf", ".png", ".eps", ".ps"} is given, a file of that name and type is created and closed afterwards.} \item{xlim,ylim, xticks, yticks,pch,cex,cex.lab}{ Graphical parameters; see \code{par()} } \item{\dots}{Other arguments (such as \code{main} etc.) are passed on to \code{plot()}. } } \value{ None. } \author{Philip Lijnzaad \email{p.lijnzaad@umcutrecht.nl} } \seealso{ \code{\link{dyebias.estimate.iGSDBs}}, \code{\link{dyebias.apply.correction}}, \code{\link{dyebias.rgplot}}, \code{\link{dyebias.maplot}}, \code{\link{dyebias.boxplot}}, \code{\link{dyebias.trendplot}} } \examples{ \dontshow{ options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE) library(dyebias) library(dyebiasexamples) data(data.raw) data(data.norm) ### obtain estimate for the iGSDBs: iGSDBs.estimated <- dyebias.estimate.iGSDBs(data.norm, is.balanced=TRUE, verbose=FALSE) ### choose the estimators and which spots to correct: estimator.subset <- dyebias.umcu.proper.estimators(maInfo(maGnames(data.norm))) application.subset <- maW(data.norm) == 1 & dyebias.application.subset(data.raw=data.raw, use.background=TRUE) ### do the correction: correction <- dyebias.apply.correction(data.norm=data.norm, iGSDBs = iGSDBs.estimated, estimator.subset=estimator.subset, application.subset = application.subset, verbose=FALSE) } % dontshow ## show both an RG-plot and an MA-plot of the uncorrected data and the ## corrected data next to each other. slide <- 3 # or any other other, of course layout(matrix(1:4, nrow=2,ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)) dyebias.rgplot(data=data.norm, slide=slide, iGSDBs=iGSDBs.estimated, # from dyebias.estimate.iGSDBs main=sprintf("RG-plot, uncorrected, slide \%d", slide), output=NULL) dyebias.rgplot(data=correction$data.corrected, slide=slide, iGSDBs=iGSDBs.estimated, main=sprintf("RG-plot, corrected, slide \%d", slide), output=NULL) dyebias.maplot(data=data.norm, slide=slide, iGSDBs=iGSDBs.estimated, main=sprintf("MA-plot, uncorrected, slide \%d",slide), output=NULL) dyebias.maplot(data=correction$data.corrected, slide=slide, iGSDBs=iGSDBs.estimated, main=sprintf("MA-plot, corrected, slide \%d",slide), output=NULL) } \references{ Margaritis, T., Lijnzaad, P., van~Leenen, D., Bouwmeester, D., Kemmeren, P., van~Hooff, S.R and Holstege, F.C.P. (2009). Adaptable gene-specific dye bias correction for two-channel DNA microarrays. \emph{Molecular Systems Biology, submitted} } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{hplot} % silly, but one keyword is compulsary \keyword{misc} % silly, but one keyword is compulsary