\name{dyebias.application.subset} \alias{dyebias.application.subset} \title{Return a subset of reporters that can be dye bias-corrected reasonably well} \description{ Convenience function returning a subset of reporters that can be expected to be corrected reasonably well. Often, the logical AND of this set and that of \code{maW(data.norm) == 1.0} is used. The resulting subset is passed as the \code{application.subset}-argument to \code{\link{dyebias.apply.correction}}. } \synopsis{ dyebias.application.subset(data.raw=NULL, min.SNR=1.5, use.background=FALSE, maxA=15) } \arguments{ \item{data.raw}{ A \code{marrayRaw} object whose normalized data is to be dye bias-corrected. } \item{min.SNR}{ The minimum signal to noise ratio to require. It is loosely defined here as the foreground over the background signal. The background signal may not be real; see below. } \item{use.background}{ Logical indicating whether or not to use the background signals \cr \code{maRb(data.raw)} and \code{maGb(data.raw)}. If the \code{data.raw} object does not have them, specify \code{use.background=FALSE}. This will use the smallest foreground of all reporters instead of the real backgrounds. } \item{maxA}{ The maximum signal that is still allowed. } } \value{ A matrix of logicals with the same dimensions as those of \code{maRf{data.raw}} is returned. } \examples{ ## First load data and estimate the iGSDBs ## (see dyebias.estimate.iGSDBs) \dontshow{ options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE) library(dyebias) library(dyebiasexamples) data(data.raw) data(data.norm) ### obtain estimate for the iGSDBs: iGSDBs.estimated <- dyebias.estimate.iGSDBs(data.norm, is.balanced=TRUE, verbose=FALSE) } % dontshow ### choose the estimators and which spots to correct: estimator.subset <- dyebias.umcu.proper.estimators(maInfo(maGnames(data.norm))) ### choose which genes to dye bias correct. Typically, this is based ### both on flagged spots and intensity application.subset <- maW(data.norm) == 1 & dyebias.application.subset(data.raw=data.raw, use.background=TRUE) summary(application.subset) } \details{ This routine requires an \code{marrayRaw} object since only that contains the background intensities. If you only have normalized data, use something like \preformatted{ bg <- matrix(0.5, nrow=maNspots(data.norm), ncol=maNsamples(data.norm)) data.raw <- new("marrayRaw", maRf=maR(data.norm), maGf=maG(data.norm), maRb=bg, maGb=bg, maW=maW(data.norm)) } } \seealso{\code{\link{dyebias.apply.correction}}} \author{Philip Lijnzaad \code{p.lijnzaad@umcutrecht.nl}} \references{ Margaritis, T., Lijnzaad, P., van~Leenen, D., Bouwmeester, D., Kemmeren, P., van~Hooff, S.R and Holstege, F.C.P. (2009) Adaptable gene-specific dye bias correction for two-channel DNA microarrays. \emph{Molecular Systems Biology, submitted} } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{misc} % silly, but one keyword is compulsary