\name{crlmm-package} \alias{crlmm-package} \docType{package} \title{ Genotype Calling via CRLMM Algorithm } \description{ Faster implementation of CRLMM specific to SNP 5.0 and 6.0 arrays. } \details{ Index: \preformatted{ crlmm-package New implementation of the CRLMM Algorithm. crlmm Genotype SNP 5.0 or 6.0 samples. calls Accessor for genotype calls. confs Accessor for confidences. } The 'crlmm' package reimplements the CRLMM algorithm present in the 'oligo' package. This implementation primes for efficient genotyping of samples on SNP 5.0 and SNP 6.0 Affymetrix arrays. To use this package, the user must have additional data packages: 'genomewidesnp5Crlmm' - SNP 5.0 arrays 'genomewidesnp6Crlmm' - SNP 6.0 arrays } \author{ Rafael A Irizarry Maintainer: Benilton S Carvalho } \references{ Carvalho B, Louis TA, Irizarry RA. Describing Uncertainty in Genome-wide Genotype Calling. (in prep) } \keyword{ package }