\name{cnrma} \alias{cnrma} \title{Quantile normalizes the intensities for the nonpolymorphic probe to a HapMap reference distribution.} \description{Quantile normalizes the intensities for the nonpolymorphic probe to a HapMap reference distribution. } \usage{ cnrma(filenames, cdfName, sns, seed = 1, verbose=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{filenames}{filenames with complete path} \item{cdfName}{Only 'genomewidesnp6' allowed} \item{sns}{the sample names. If missing, the basename of the filenames is used.} \item{seed}{seed for sampling the intensities to calculate skewness} \item{verbose}{logical} } \value{ A list. First element is the matrix of quantile-normalized intensities. The second element is the skew. } \author{Rob Scharpf} \note{Not tested} \examples{ library(genomewidesnp6Crlmm) library(hapmapsnp6) path <- system.file("celFiles", package="hapmapsnp6") celFiles <- list.celfiles(path, full.names=TRUE) cnrmaResult <- cnrma(celFiles, cdfName="genomewidesnp6") } \keyword{robust}