\name{CrlmmSetList-class} \Rdversion{1.1} \docType{class} \alias{CrlmmSetList-class} \alias{[,CrlmmSetList-method} \alias{$,CrlmmSetList-method} \alias{addFeatureAnnotation} \alias{addFeatureAnnotation,CrlmmSetList-method} \alias{A<-} \alias{B<-} \alias{A,CrlmmSetList-method} \alias{A<-,CrlmmSetList,matrix-method} \alias{B,CrlmmSetList-method} \alias{B<-,CrlmmSetList,matrix-method} \alias{batch,CrlmmSetList-method} \alias{CA,CrlmmSetList-method} \alias{CB,CrlmmSetList-method} \alias{CA<-,CrlmmSetList,matrix-method} \alias{CB<-,CrlmmSetList,matrix-method} \alias{calls,CrlmmSetList-method} \alias{chromosome,CrlmmSetList-method} \alias{cnIndex,CrlmmSetList-method} \alias{combine,CrlmmSetList,CrlmmSetList-method} \alias{confs,CrlmmSetList-method} \alias{copyNumber,CrlmmSetList-method} \alias{nrow,CrlmmSetList-method} \alias{ncol,CrlmmSetList-method} \alias{plot,CrlmmSetList,ANY-method} \alias{points,CrlmmSetList-method} \alias{position,CrlmmSetList-method} \alias{sampleNames,CrlmmSetList-method} \alias{show,CrlmmSetList-method} \alias{snpIndex,CrlmmSetList-method} \alias{update,CrlmmSetList-method} \alias{update,character-method} \title{Class "CrlmmSetList"} \description{Container for quantile normalized intensities and genotype calls.} \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects from the class are created by calls to the \code{crlmmWrapper} function. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{.Data}:}{Object of class \code{"list"} ~~ } } % \item{\code{ABset}:}{Object of class \code{"ABset"}. % Contains quantile normalized A and B intensities. Quantile % normalized intensities for nonpolymorphic probes are stored % in the A slot.} % \item{\code{crlmmResult}:}{Object of class % \code{"SnpSet"}. Contains genotype calls and the % corresponding confidence estimates.} } \section{Details}{ Instances of \code{CrlmmSetList} are a list with two elements: 1. an object of class \code{ABset} 2. an object of class \code{SnpSet} The \code{featureNames} and \code{sampleNames} of both objects are required to be identical. Quantile-normalized intensities for the copy number probes are stored in the assay data element A of the ABset object. Corresponding rows for the B allele are recorded as NAs. Genotype calls for copy number probes in the SnpSet object are recorded as NAs. } \section{Extends}{ Class \code{"\linkS4class{list}"}, from data part. Class \code{"\linkS4class{vector}"}, by class "list", distance 2. Class \code{\link[Biobase:assayData]{assayData}}, by class "list", distance 2. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{"["}{\code{signature(x = "CrlmmSetList")}: subsets both the features and samples of each element in th elist} \item{"$"}{\code{signature(x = "CrlmmSetList")}: used to access element from the \code{featureData} of the \code{CopyNumberSet} element. In particular, useful for extract the SNP- and batch-specific parameters used to estimate copy number that are currently stored in the \code{featureData} of \code{CopyNumberSet} objects. } \item{"addFeatureAnnotation"}{\code{signature(object = "CrlmmSetList")}: Creates an object of class AnnotatedDataFrame from the CrlmmSetList object. The new annotation object contains information on chromosome and physical position and has the same ordering of rows as the CrlmmSetList object. } \item{"A"}{\code{signature(object = "CrlmmSetList")}: extracts the quantile normalized intensities for the A allele in the \code{ABset} element.} \item{"A<-"}{\code{signature(object = "CrlmmSetList", value = "matrix")}: Replacement method for the A intensities.} \item{"B"}{\code{signature(object = "CrlmmSetList")}: extracts the quantile normalized intensities for the B allele in the \code{ABset} element.} \item{"B<-"}{\code{signature(object = "CrlmmSetList", value = "matrix")}: Replacement method for the B intensities.} \item{"batch"}{\code{signature(object = "CrlmmSetList")}: extracts the batch information used to estimate copy number.} \item{"CA"}{\code{signature(object = "CrlmmSetList")}: extracts the copy number for allele A at polymorphic loci. For nonpolymorphic probes, CA returns the total copy number. } \item{"CB"}{\code{signature(object = "CrlmmSetList")}: extracts the copy number for allele B at polymorphic loci. For nonpolymorphic probes, CB returns 'NA'.} \item{"CA<-"}{\code{signature(object = "CrlmmSetList", value = "matrix")}: Replacement method for the CA estimates.} \item{"CB<-"}{\code{signature(object = "CrlmmSetList", value = "matrix")}: Replacement method for the CB estimates.} \item{"calls"}{\code{signature(object = "CrlmmSetList")}: extracts the genotype calls from the \code{SnpSet} element.} \item{"cnIndex"}{\code{signature(object = "CrlmmSetList")}: returns the row indices of the copy number probes.} \item{"combine"}{\code{signature(x = "CrlmmSetList", y = "CrlmmSetList")}: combines objects of the class. } \item{"confs"}{\code{signature(x = "CrlmmSetList")}: confidence scores for crlmm genotype calls. } \item{"nrow"}{\code{signature(x = "CrlmmSetList")}: Number of rows (features) of each element in the list. } \item{"ncol"}{\code{signature(x = "CrlmmSetList")}: Number of columns (samples) of each element in the list. } \item{"plot"}{\code{signature(x = "CrlmmSetList")}: For A versus B scatterplots. } \item{"points"}{\code{signature(x = "CrlmmSetList")}: For A versus B scatterplots. } \item{"sampleNames"}{\code{signature(object = "CrlmmSetList")}: Accessor for the column identifiers of the assay data elements. } \item{"show"}{\code{signature(object = "CrlmmSetList")}: Shows the \code{ABset} and \code{SnpSet} elements of the list. } \item{"snpIndex"}{\code{signature(object = "CrlmmSetList")}: returns the row indices of the polymorphic probes.} \item{"update"}{\code{signature(object = "CrlmmSetList")}: This method calls \code{computeCopynumber} to compute copy number for the \code{crlmmSetList} object. The object returned by this method is itself an instance of class \code{CrlmmSetList}. The third element of the list is an instance of \code{CopyNumberSet} containing the locus-level, allele-specific estimates of copynumber. } \item{"update"}{\code{signature(object = "character")}: This method loads the CrlmmSetList file given as the argument to object -- the object is a character string or a vector of character strings that provides the complete path to the CrlmmSetList file. The CrlmmSetList object is loaded and updated with copy number estimates -- an object of class CopyNumberSet becomes the third element in the CrlmmSetList object. After updating the CrlmmSetList object, the object is saved to the same path.} } } \section{Warnings}{ \code{combine} will produce a warning as the \code{featureData} are not easily combined and therefore removed. This method needs improvement. } \author{R. Scharpf} \seealso{ See also \code{"\link{crlmmWrapper}"}, \code{"\linkS4class{ABset}"} } \examples{ showClass("CrlmmSetList") } \keyword{classes}