\name{transitionProbability} \alias{transitionProbability} \title{Compute the transition probability} \description{ Wrapper for computing the locus-specific transition probability } \usage{ transitionProbability(chromosome, position, TAUP = 1e+08, chromosomeAnnotation, verbose = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{chromosome}{chromosome (integer representation)} \item{position}{physical position} \item{TAUP}{Scalar for computing transition probabilities (see Details).} \item{chromosomeAnnotation}{Optional: chromosome annotation} \item{verbose}{Logical: verbose output} } \details{ The HMM uses locus-specific transition probabilities that are calculated as a function of the physical distance between loci. Specifically, the probability that the locus at position \eqn{t-1} is not informative for the locus at position \eqn{t} is calculated as \eqn{1-exp(-2d/TAUP)}, where d is the physical distance between locus t and locus t-1. The default for TAUP is \eqn{1 x 10^8} and can be specified to acheive a desired amount of sensitivity and specificity. Larger values of TAUP decreases the probability of transitioning to other states, and therefore provides a more smooth fit. } \value{ The transitionProbability function (i) transforms the physical distance between adjacent loci to an estimate of the genomic distance and (ii) adds an 'arm' variable to the annotation matrix. \item{chromosome}{chromosome } \item{position}{physical position} \item{arm}{an integer. The HMM uses the arm variable as a factor and is fit independently to each 'arm'.} \item{transitionPr}{ the probability that the marker at position t-1 is informative for the marker at position t-1. The current implementation uses max(0.5, exp(-2d/TAUP)). For the Affy and Illumina platforms, most of the values should be near 1. The value at position T for an object with T loci is arbitrary.} } \author{R. Scharpf} \seealso{\code{\link[SNPchip]{chromosomeAnnotation}}} \keyword{arith}