\name{TargetSearchGUI} \alias{TargetSearchGUI} \title{A GUI for TargetSearch} \description{ Opens a Graphical User Interface (GUI, written using Tcl/Tk) to allow easy setting and manipulation of most processing parameters which control GC-MS Data Evaluation with \emph{TargetSearch}. } \usage{ TargetSearchGUI() } \details{ The GUI is intended to facilitate the use of \emph{TargetSearch} for users unfamiliar with R otherwise. Many parameters that would be set calling the individual \emph{TargetSearch} Functions as described in the manual can be set here 'in one go' before running the complete analysis. Important Note: Please select the folder where you store your GC-MS Data (NetCDF or Apex) as the \code{Working Directory}. It is not yet possible to process data files from other/different locations. The parameters: \itemize{ \item \code{Working Directory}: Use the \emph{Browse}-button to select the folder on your hard drive containing all your GC-MS data files. The output of \emph{TargetSearch} will be written to this folder too. \item \code{File Import}: Clicking \emph{NetCDF Data} or \emph{Apex Data} radio buttons will open a file select dialog. Choose the files you would like to be processed. You may check your selection pressing the \emph{Show}-button. \item \code{Baseline Correction}: Clicking \emph{on/off} button will perform baseline correction before peak detection. If selected, the \code{threshold} parameter is a numeric value between 0 and 1. A value of one returns a baseline above the noise, 0.5 in the middle of the noise and 0 below the noise. See \code{\link{baselineCorrection}} for further details. \item \code{Retention Index Correction}: Retention Index Correction is neccessary and applied only if you supply NetCDF Data (Apex Data contain already Retention Indices). You may \emph{Load} or \emph{Create} the search windows for your RI-Markers here. \item \code{Peak Detection}: \emph{Search Windows} refers to the allowed RI deviation of your metabolites which are narrowed in 3 consecutive searches. \emph{Intensity Counts threshold} defines the minimum apex intensity incorporated in the analysis. A value of 1 would include all peaks. \emph{Mass Range} allows to limit the mass values (m/z) to be included in the analysis. \emph{Smoothing} averages raw data to eliminate some inherent noise leading to multiple peaks otherwise. \item \code{Library}: A Library (to detect metabolites) usable by \emph{TargetSearch} contains at least information about the metabolite 'Name', its expected 'RI' and the selective masses in its spectrum 'SEL_MASS'. You may \emph{Load} or \emph{Create} one yourself using the respective buttons. A more detailed description of the file formats can be found in \code{\link{ImportLibrary}}. \item \code{Normalization}: This selects how the data will be normalized during the metabolite search. Options are \code{"dayNorm"}, a day based median normalization, \code{"medianNorm"}, normalization using the median of all the intensities of a given mass, and \code{"none"}, no normalization at all. \item \code{Final Profiles}: Here you may set the parameters used by the functions \code{\link{Profile}} and \code{\link{ProfileCleanUp}}. \emph{timesplit} sets an RI window that will be used to look for metabolites that could have been redundanly identified. \emph{correl. thr.} is the correlation threshold and \emph{min. number of correlation samples} is a threshold used to make sure that correlations are computed with at least said number of observations. \item \code{Parameters}: You may \emph{Save} the current parameters as an \code{*.RData} file or \emph{Load} previously saved parameters to compare the outcome of different settings or just repeat the analysis. \item \code{Program}: \emph{Run} starts to process all currently selected files using the current parameters and saving output to \emph{Working Directory}. \emph{Quit} closes the GUI. } } \author{Jan Lisec}