\name{NetCDFPeakFinding} \alias{NetCDFPeakFinding} \title{ Peak picking algorithm from CDF files } \description{ This function reads a netcdf chromatogram file, finds the apex intensities and returns a list containing the retention time and the intensity matrices. } \usage{ NetCDFPeakFinding(cdfFile, massRange = c(85, 500), Window = 5, IntThreshold = 10, pp.method = "smoothing", baseline = FALSE, baseline.opts = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{cdfFile}{A character string naming a netcdf file.} \item{massRange}{A two component numeric vector with the scan mass range to extract.} \item{Window}{The window used by peak picking method. The number of points actually used is \code{2*Window + 1}. } \item{IntThreshold}{Apex intensities lower than this value will be removed from the RI files. } \item{pp.method}{The pick picking method to be used. Options are \code{"smoothing"} and \code{"ppc"}.} \item{baseline}{Logical. Should baseline correction be performed?} \item{baseline.opts}{A list of options passed to \code{\link{baselineCorrection}}}. } \details{ The function expects the following NetCDF variables: \code{intensity_values}, \code{mass_values}, \code{scan_index}, \code{point_count} and \code{scan_acquisition_time}. Otherwise, an error will be displayed. The \code{massRange} parameter is a numeric vector with two components: lower and higher masses. All masses in that range will be extracted. Note that it is not possible to extract a discontinuous mass range. There are two peak picking algorithms that can be used. The \code{"smoothing"} method smooths the m/z curves and then looks for a change of sign of the intensity difference between two consecutive points. The \code{"ppc"} uses a sliding window and looks for the local maxima. This method is based on R-package \code{ppc}. } \value{ A two component list. \item{Time}{The retention time vector.} \item{Peaks}{The intensity matrix. Rows are the retention times and columns are masses. The first column is the lower mass value and the last one is the higher mass. } } \author{Alvaro Cuadros-Inostroza, Matthew Hannah, Henning Redestig } \examples{ require(TargetSearchData) data(TargetSearchData) CDFpath <- file.path(.find.package("TargetSearchData"), "gc-ms-data") CDFfiles <- dir(CDFpath, pattern = "\\.cdf$", full.names = TRUE) CDFfiles # extrac peaks of first chromatogram peaks.1 <- NetCDFPeakFinding(CDFfiles[1], massRange = c(85, 320), Window = 15, IntThreshold = 10, pp.method = "smoothing") # scan acquisition times head(peaks.1$Time) # peaks in matrix form. first column is mass 85, last one is mass 320. head(peaks.1$Peaks) } \seealso{ \code{\link{peakCDFextraction}} }