\name{ImportLibrary} \alias{ImportLibrary} \alias{ImportLibrary.msp} \alias{ImportLibrary.tab} \title{ Library import } \description{ These functions import a metabolite library file that will be used to processed the GC-MS data. Two file formats are supported: a tab-delimited format and the more common NIST MSP format. } \usage{ ImportLibrary(libfile, type = "auto", ...) ImportLibrary.tab(libfile, fields = NULL, RI_dev = c(2000,1000,200), SelMasses = 5, TopMasses = 15, ExcludeMasses = NULL) ImportLibrary.msp(libfile, fields = NULL, RI_dev = c(2000,1000,200), SelMasses = 5, TopMasses = 15, ExcludeMasses = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{libfile}{ A character string naming a library file. See details. } \item{type}{The library file format. Posible options are \code{"tab"} for a tab-delimited file, \code{"msp"} for NIST MSP format, or \code{"auto"} for autodetection. Default to \code{"auto"}.} \item{fields}{A two component list. Each component contains a regular expression used to parse and extract the fields for retention index and selection masses. Only meaningful for MSP format.} \item{RI_dev}{ A three component vector with RI windows. } \item{SelMasses}{ The number of selective masses that will be used. } \item{TopMasses}{ The number of most intensive masses that will be taken from the spectrum, if no \code{TOP_MASSES} is provided.} \item{ExcludeMasses}{ Optional. A vector containing a list of masses that will be excluded.} \item{\dots}{Further arguments passed to \code{ImportLibrary.tab} or \code{ImportLibrary.msp}} } \details{ The tab-delimited format is a tab delimited text file with the following column names. \itemize{ \item \code{Name} - The metabolite name. \item \code{RI} - The expected RI. \item \code{SEL_MASSES} - A list of selective masses separated with semicolon. \item \code{TOP_MASSES} - A list of the most abundant masses to be searched, separated with semicolons. \item \code{Win_k} - The RI windows, k = 1,2,3. Mass search is perfomed in three steps. A RI window required for each one of them. \item \code{SPECTRUM} - The metabolite spectrum. m/z and intensity are separated by spaces and colons. } The columns \code{Name} and \code{RI} are mandatory. At least one of columns \code{SEL_MASSES}, \code{TOP_MASSES} and \code{SPECTRUM} must be given as well. By using the parameters \code{SelMasses} or \code{TopMasses} it is possible to set the selective masses or the top masses from the spectra. The parameter \code{ExcludeMasses} is used only when masses are obtained from the spectra. The parameter \code{RI_dev} can be used to set the RI windows. Note that in this case, all metabolites would have the same RI windows. The MSP format is a text file that can be imported/exported from NIST. A typical MSP file looks like this: \preformatted{ Name: Pyruvic Acid Synon: Propanoic acid, 2-(methoxyimino)-, trimethylsilyl ester Synon: RI: 223090 Synon: SEL MASS: 89|115|158|174|189 Formula: C7H15NO3Si MW: 189 Num Peaks: 41 85 8; 86 13; 87 5; 88 4; 89 649; 90 55; 91 28; 92 1; 98 13; 99 257; 100 169; 101 30; 102 7; 103 13; 104 1; 113 3; 114 35; 115 358; 116 44; 117 73; 118 10; 119 4; 128 2; 129 1; 130 10; 131 3; 142 1; 143 19; 144 4; 145 1; 157 1; 158 69; 159 22; 160 4; 173 1; 174 999; 175 115; 176 40; 177 2; 189 16; 190 2; Name: another metabolite ... } Different entries must be separated by empty lines. In order to parse the retention time index (RI) and selective masses (SEL MASS), a two component list containing the field names of RI and SEL_MASS must be provided by using the parameter \code{fields}. In this example, use \code{field = list("RI: ", "SEL MASS: ")}. Note that \code{ImportLibrary} expects to find those fields next to "Synon:". Alternatively, you could provide the RI and SEL_MASS using the \code{\linkS4class{tsLib}} methods. } \value{ A \code{tsLib} object. } \examples{ # get the reference library file cdfpath <- file.path(.find.package("TargetSearchData"), "gc-ms-data") lib.file <- file.path(cdfpath, "library.txt") # Import the reference library refLibrary <- ImportLibrary(lib.file) # set new names for the first 3 metabolites libName(refLibrary)[1:3] <- c("Metab01", "Metab02", "Metab03") # change the retention time deviations of Metabolite 3 RIdev(refLibrary)[3,] <- c(3000,1500,150) } \author{Alvaro Cuadros-Inostroza, Matthew Hannah, Henning Redestig } \seealso{ \code{\link{ImportSamples}}, \code{\linkS4class{tsLib}} }