\name{report} \alias{report} \alias{report,ANY-method} \title{Summarize quality assessment results into a report} \description{ This generic function summarizes results from evaluation of \code{\link{qa}} into a report. Available report formats vary depending on the data analysed. } \usage{ report(x, ..., dest=tempfile(), type="html") } \arguments{ \item{x}{An object returned by \code{\link{qa}}, usually derived from class \code{\linkS4class{.QA}}} \item{\dots}{Additional arguments used by specific methods. See specific methods for details.} \item{dest}{The output destination for the final report. For \code{type="html"} this is a directory; for (deprecated) \code{type="pdf"} this is a file.} \item{type}{A text string defining the type of report; available report types depend on the type of object \code{x}; usually this is \dQuote{html}.} } \details{ The following methods are defined: \describe{ \item{\code{x="BowtieQA", ..., dest=tempfile(), type="html"}}{ Produce an HTML-based report from an object of class \code{\linkS4class{BowtieQA}}.} \item{\code{x="FastqQA", ..., dest=tempfile(), type="html"}}{ Produce an HTML-based report from an object of class \code{\linkS4class{FastqQA}}. } \item{\code{x="MAQMapQA", ..., dest=tempfile(), type="html"}}{ Produce an HTML-based report from an object of class \code{\linkS4class{MAQMapQA}}. } \item{\code{x="SolexaExportQA", ..., dest=tempfile(), type="html"}}{ Produce an HTML-based report from an object of class \code{\linkS4class{SolexaExportQA}}. } \item{\code{x="SolexaExportQA", ..., dest=tempfile(), type="pdf"}}{ (Deprecated) Produce an PDF report from an object of class \code{\linkS4class{SolexaExportQA}}. } \item{\code{x="SolexaPath", ..., dest=tempfile(), type="html"}}{ Produce an HTML report by first visiting all \code{_export.txt} files in the \code{analysisPath} directory of \code{x} to create a \code{SolexaExportQA} instance. } \item{\code{x="SolexaPath", ..., dest=tempfile(), type="pdf"}}{ (Deprecated) Produce an PDF report by first visiting all \code{_export.txt} files in the \code{analysisPath} directory of \code{x} to create a \code{SolexaExportQA} instance. } \item{ \code{x="ANY", ..., dest=tempfile(), type="ANY"} }{This method is used internally} } } \value{ This function is invoked for its side effect; the return value is the name of the directory or file where the report was created. } \author{Martin Morgan } \seealso{ \code{\linkS4class{SolexaExportQA}} } \examples{ showMethods("report") } \keyword{manip}