\name{ShortReadQ-class} \docType{class} \alias{ShortReadQ-class} \alias{ShortReadQ} \alias{ShortReadQ,DNAStringSet,QualityScore,BStringSet-method} \alias{ShortReadQ,DNAStringSet,QualityScore,missing-method} \alias{ShortReadQ,missing,missing,missing-method} \alias{coerce,ShortReadQ,QualityScaledDNAStringSet-method} \alias{writeFastq,ShortReadQ-method} \alias{alphabetByCycle,ShortReadQ-method} \alias{alphabetScore,ShortReadQ-method} \alias{[,ShortReadQ,ANY,ANY-method} \alias{[,ShortReadQ,ANY,missing-method} \alias{[,ShortReadQ,missing,ANY-method} \alias{[,ShortReadQ,missing,missing-method} \alias{[,ShortReadQ,missing,missing,ANY-method} \alias{[,ShortReadQ,missing,ANY,ANY-method} \alias{[,ShortReadQ,ANY,ANY,ANY-method} \alias{[,ShortReadQ,ANY,missing,ANY-method} \alias{append,ShortReadQ,ShortReadQ,missing-method} \alias{narrow,ShortReadQ-method} \alias{compact,ShortReadQ-method} \alias{qa,ShortReadQ-method} \alias{detail,ShortReadQ-method} \title{"ShortReadQ" class for short reads and their quality scores} \description{ This class provides a way to store and manipulate, in a coordinated fashion, the reads, identifiers, and quality scores of uniform-length short reads. } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects from this class are the result of \code{\link{readFastq}}, or can be constructed from \code{DNAStringSet}, \code{QualityScore}, and \code{BStringSet} objects, as described below. } \section{Slots}{ Slots \code{sread} and \code{id} are inherited from \code{\linkS4class{ShortRead}}. An additional slot defined in this class is: \describe{ \item{\code{quality}:}{Object of class \code{"BStringSet"} representing a quality score (see \code{\link{readFastq}} for some discussion of quality score).} } } \section{Extends}{ Class \code{"\linkS4class{ShortRead}"}, directly. Class \code{"\linkS4class{.ShortReadBase}"}, by class "ShortRead", distance 2. } \section{Methods}{ Constructors include: \describe{ \item{ShortReadQ}{\code{signature(sread = "DNAStringSet", quality = "QualityScore", id = "BStringSet")}: Create a \code{ShortReadQ} object from reads, their quality scores, and identifiers. The length of \code{id} and \code{quality}must match that of \code{sread}.} \item{ShortReadQ}{\code{signature(sread = "DNAStringSet", quality = "QualityScore", id = "missing")}: Create a \code{ShortReadQ} object from reads and their quality scores, creating empty identifiers.} \item{ShortReadQ}{\code{signature(sread = "missing", quality = "missing", id = "missing", ...)}: Create an empty \code{ShortReadQ} object.} } See \code{\link{accessors}} for additional functions to access slot content, and \code{\linkS4class{ShortRead}} for inherited methods. Additional methods include: \describe{ \item{quality}{inherited from \code{signature(object = "ANY")}: access the quality slot of \code{object}.} \item{coerce}{\code{signature(from = "SFastqQuality", to = "QualityScaledDNAStringSet")}: (Use \code{as(from, "QualityScaledDNAStringSet")}) coerce objects of class \code{from} to class \code{to}, using the quality encoding implied by \code{quality(from)}. See \code{\linkS4class{QualityScore}} for supported quality classes and their coerced counterparts.} \item{writeFastq}{\code{signature(object = "ShortReadQ", file = "character", mode="character", ...)}: Write \code{object} to \code{file} in fastq format. \code{mode} defaults to \sQuote{w}. This creates a new file, or fails if \code{file} already exists. Use \code{mode="a"} to append to an existing file. \code{file} is expanded using \code{path.expand}.} \item{[}{\code{signature(x = "ShortReadQ", i = "ANY", j = "missing")}: This method creates a new \code{ShortReadQ} object containing only those reads indexed by \code{i}. Additional methods on \sQuote{[,ShortRead} do not provide additional functionality, but are present to limit inappropriate use.} \item{append}{\code{signature(x = "ShortReadQ", values = "ShortRead", length = "missing")}: append the \code{sread}, \code{quality} and \code{id} slots of \code{values} after the corresponding fields of \code{x}.} \item{narrow}{\code{signature(x = "ShortReadQ", start = NA, end = NA, width = NA, use.names = TRUE)}: \sQuote{narrow} \code{sread} and \code{quality} so that sequences are between \code{start} and \code{end} bases, according to \code{\link[IRanges:IRanges-utils]{narrow}} in the \code{IRanges} package.} \item{compact}{\code{signature(x = "ShortReadQ", ...)}: reduce the space (memory) occupied by \code{x}, if possible.} \item{alphabetByCycle}{\code{signature(stringSet = "ShortReadQ")}: Apply \code{\link{alphabetByCycle}} to the \code{sread} component, the \code{quality} component, and the combination of these two components of \code{stringSet}, returning a list of matrices with three elements: \code{"sread"}, \code{"quality"}, and \code{"both"}.} \item{alphabetScore}{\code{signature(object = "ShortReadQ")}: See \code{\link{alphabetScore}} for details.} \item{qa}{\code{signature(dirPath = "ShortReadQ", lane="character", ..., verbose=FALSE)}: Perform quality assessment on the \code{ShortReadQ} object using \code{lane} to identify the object and returning an instance of \code{\linkS4class{ShortReadQQA}}. See \code{\link{qa}}} \item{detail}{\code{signature(object = "ShortReadQ")}: display the first and last entries of each of \code{sread}, \code{id}, and \code{quality} entries of \code{object}.} } } \author{Martin Morgan} \seealso{ \code{\link{readFastq}} for creation of objects of this class from fastq-format files. } \examples{ showClass("ShortReadQ") showMethods(class="ShortReadQ", inherit=FALSE) showMethods(class="ShortRead", inherit=FALSE) } \keyword{classes}