\name{smcPlot} \alias{smcPlot} \title{ Plot PGSEA results} \description{ This basic function will plot results from PGSEA with easy altering of margins, colors, and text. } \usage{ smcPlot(m, ff = NULL, skip = "NO", scale = c(-3, 3), na.color = par("bg"), margins = NULL, r.cex = NULL, c.cex = NULL, show.grid = F, cnames = TRUE, rnames = TRUE, grid.lty = 3, clust = FALSE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{m}{ matrix - your results from PGSEA (or any other numeric matrix of data)} \item{ff}{ factor - this factor corresponds to the subtypes of your samples and will control the column names} \item{skip}{ character - which subtype(s) to skip from "ff"} \item{scale}{ vector, length 2 - this vector sets the minimum and maximum values for the graph scale (at bottom of plot)} \item{na.color}{ character - color to display in the result of an NA} \item{margins}{ vector, length 4 - this vector gives the expansion values for the margins} \item{r.cex}{ numeric - number giving the amount by which row names should be scaled relative to the default} \item{c.cex}{ numeric - number giving the amount by which column names should be scaled relative to the default} \item{show.grid}{ boolean - show grid outlines within plot?} \item{cnames}{ boolean or character - vector of alternative column names} \item{rnames}{ boolean or character - vector of alternative row names} \item{grid.lty}{ numeric - line type of the grid lines} \item{clust}{ boolean - want to cluster?} \item{\dots}{ additional graphical parameters passed along to the plotting function } } \author{ Karl Dykema } \examples{ library(PGSEA) datadir <- system.file("data", package = "PGSEA") sample <- readGmt(file.path(datadir, "sample.gmt")) data(nbEset) pg <- PGSEA(nbEset,cl=sample,ref=1:5) sub <- factor(c(rep(NA,5),rep("NeuroB",5),rep("NeuroB_MYC+",5))) smcPlot(pg,sub,scale=c(-10,10),col=.rwb,margins=c(1,1,8,13)) } \keyword{ hplot }