\name{MCRindError} \alias{MCRindError} \alias{plotIndGroupVotes} \title{Individual Error of the outer cross-validations} \description{ \code{MCRindError} returns a vector with the individual number of incorrect classified samples for each cross-validation \code{plotIndGroupVotes} plots the individual group votes } \usage{ MCRindError(MCRe, perGroup=FALSE) plotIndGroupVotes(MCRest, PvD= 0.5, dotCol="red", errCol="black", xlab="", ylab="# misclassified samples (mean + SD)", ...) } \arguments{ \item{MCRe}{Object of S3 class \code{MCRestimate}} \item{perGroup}{returns a vector with the individual number of incorrect classified samples for each group} \item{MCRest}{Object of S3 class \code{MCRestimate} } \item{PvD}{Offset of the text that belongs to a specific point in the plot} \item{dotCol}{Color of the dots} \item{errCol}{Line color between points} \item{xlab}{Label of X-Axis} \item{ylab}{Label of Y-Axis} \item{...}{Advanced options to the \code{plot} command} } \value{ \code{MCRindError} returns a vector of individual errors.} \author{Markus Ruschhaupt \url{mailto:m.ruschhaupt@dkfz.de}} \seealso{\code{\link{MCRestimate}}} \examples{ library(MCRestimate) library(golubEsets) data(Golub_Train) exSet <- Golub_Train[1:500,] result1 <-MCRestimate(exSet,"ALL.AML",classification.fun="RF.wrap",cross.outer=3,cross.repeat=3) MCRindError(result1) } \keyword{file}