\name{varSel.highest.var} \alias{varSel.highest.var} \alias{varSel.highest.t.stat} \alias{varSel.AUC} \alias{varSel.removeManyNA} \alias{varSel.impute.NA} \alias{identity} \alias{cluster.kmeans.mean} \title{Variable selection and cluster functions} \description{Different functions for a variable selection and clustering methods. These functions are mainly used for the function \code{\link{MCRestimate}}} \usage{identity(sample.gene.matrix,classfactor,...) varSel.highest.t.stat(sample.gene.matrix,classfactor,theParameter=NULL,var.numbers=500,...) varSel.highest.var(sample.gene.matrix,classfactor,theParameter=NULL,var.numbers=2000,...) varSel.AUC(sample.gene.matrix, classfactor, theParameter=NULL,var.numbers=200,...) cluster.kmeans.mean(sample.gene.matrix,classfactor,theParameter=NULL,number.clusters=500,...) varSel.removeManyNA(sample.gene.matrix,classfactor, theParameter=NULL, NAthreshold=0.25,...) varSel.impute.NA(sample.gene.matrix ,classfactor,theParameter=NULL,...) } \arguments{ \item{sample.gene.matrix}{a matrix in which the rows corresponds to genes and the colums corresponds to samples} \item{classfactor}{a factor containing the values that should be predicted} \item{theParameter}{Parameter that depends on the function. For 'cluster.kmeans.mean' eighter NULL or an output of the function \code{kmeans}. If it is NULL then \code{kmeans} will be used to form clusters of the genes. Otherwise the already existing clusters will be used. In both ways there will be a calculation of the metagene intensities afterwards. For the other functions eighter NULL or a logical vector which indicates for every gene if it sould be left out from further analysis or not} \item{number.clusters}{parameter which specifies the number of clusters} \item{var.numbers}{some methods needs an argument which specifies how many variables should be taken} \item{NAthreshold}{integer- if the percentage of the NA is higher than this threshold the variable will be deleted} \item{\dots}{Further parameters} } \details{ \code{metagene.kmeans.mean} performes a kmeans clustering with a number of clusters specified by 'number clusters' and takes the mean of each cluster. \code{varSel.highest.var} selects a number (specified by 'var.numbers') of variables with the highest variance. \code{varSel.AUC} chooses the most discriminating variables due to the AUC criterium (the library \code{ROC} is required).} \value{Every function returns a list consisting of two arguments: \item{matrix}{the result matrix of the variable redution or the clustering} \item{parameter}{The parameter which are used to reproduce the algorithm, i.e. a vector which indicates for every gene if it will be left out from further analysis or not if a gene reduction is performed or the output of the function kmeans for the clustering algorithm.}} \author{Markus Ruschhaupt \url{mailto:m.ruschhaupt@dkfz.de}} \seealso{\code{\link{MCRestimate}}} \examples{library(MCRestimate) m <- matrix(c(rnorm(10,2,0.5),rnorm(10,4,0.5),rnorm(10,7,0.5),rnorm(10,2,0.5),rnorm(10,4,0.5),rnorm(10,2,0.5)),ncol=2) cluster.kmeans.mean(m ,number.clusters=3) } \keyword{file}