\name{SVM.OVA.wrap} \alias{SVM.OVA.wrap} \title{SVM with 'One-Versus-All' multiclass approach} \description{ Multiclass approach where k binary SVM classifiers are constructed for a classification problem with k classes: Every classifier is trained to distinguish samples of one class from samples of all other classes. For prediction of the class of a new sample, the sample is classified by all k classifiers, and the class corresponding to the classifier with the maximum decision value is chosen. } \usage{ SVM.OVA.wrap(x,y,gamma = NULL, kernel = "radial", ...) } \arguments{ \item{x,y}{x is a matrix where each row refers to a sample and each colum refers to a gene; y is a factor which includes the class for each sample} \item{gamma}{parameter for support vector machines} \item{kernel}{parameter for support vector machines} \item{\dots}{Further parameters} } \value{A predict function which can be used to predict the classes for a new data set.} \author{Patrick Warnat \url{mailto:p.warnat@dkfz-heidelberg.de}} \seealso{\code{\link{MCRestimate}}} \examples{ \dontrun{ library(MCRestimate) library(golubEsets) data(Golub_Train) class.column <- "ALL.AML" Preprocessingfunctions <- c("varSel.highest.var") list.of.poss.parameter <- list(var.numbers = c(250,1000)) Preprocessingfunctions <- c("identity") class.function <- "SVM.OVA.wrap" list.of.poss.parameter <- list(gamma = 6) plot.label <- "Samples" cross.outer <- 10 cross.repeat <- 20 cross.inner <- 5 SVM.estimate <- MCRestimate(Golub_Train, class.column, classification.fun = class.function, thePreprocessingMethods = Preprocessingfunctions, poss.parameters = list.of.poss.parameter, cross.outer = cross.outer, cross.inner = cross.inner, cross.repeat = cross.repeat, plot.label = plot.label) }} \keyword{file}