\name{ClassifierBuild} \alias{ClassifierBuild} \alias{ClassifierBuild.default} \title{Building a classifier as a combination of preprocessing and classification method} \description{builds a classifier as a combination of preprocessing and classification methods} \usage{ ClassifierBuild(eset, class.column, reference.class=NULL, classification.fun, variableSel.fun ="identity", cluster.fun ="identity", poss.parameters=list(), cross.inner=10, rand=123, information=TRUE, thePreprocessingMethods=c(variableSel.fun,cluster.fun)) } \arguments{ \item{eset}{an object of class \code{exprSet} or \code{exprSetRG} } \item{class.column}{a number or a character string which indicated the column of the expression set's phenodata containing the class label} \item{reference.class}{a character string with the name of one class - if specified the class will form the first class and all the other classes will form the second class } \item{classification.fun}{a character string which names the function that should be used for the classification} \item{variableSel.fun}{character string which names the function that should be used for variable selection} \item{cluster.fun}{character string which names the function that should be used for clustering the variables} \item{thePreprocessingMethods}{vector of character with the names of all preprocessing functions- can be used instead of 'variableSel.fun' and 'cluster.fun' - see details} \item{poss.parameters}{a list of possible values for the parameter of the classification method} \item{cross.inner}{integer - the number of nearly equal sized parts the train set should be divided into} \item{rand}{integer - the random number generator will be put in a reproducible state} \item{information}{information - should classificator specific data be given(depends on the wrapper for the classification method)} } \value{a \code{list} with the following arguments: \item{classifier.for.matrix}{} \item{classifier.for.exprSet}{} \item{parameter}{a list consisting of the estimated 'best' parameter for each cross-validation part} \item{class.method}{string which names the function used for the classification} \item{thePreprocessingMethods}{character string - name of the preprocessing functions that have been used} \item{cross.inner}{number of blocks for a the inner cross-validation} \item{information}{classificator specific data} } \author{Markus Ruschhaupt \url{mailto:m.ruschhaupt@dkfz.de}} \examples{ library(MCRestimate) library(golubEsets) data(Golub_Train) class.column <- "ALL.AML" Preprocessingfunctions <- c("varSel.highest.var") list.of.poss.parameter <- list(var.numbers = c(250,1000)) classification.funct <- "RF.wrap" cross.inner <- 5 RF.classifier <- ClassifierBuild(Golub_Train, class.column, classification.fun = classification.funct, thePreprocessingMethods = Preprocessingfunctions, poss.parameters = list.of.poss.parameter, cross.inner = cross.inner) } \keyword{file}