\name{plotProfile} \alias{plotProfile} \alias{plotProfile.profileCGH} \encoding{latin1} \title{Plot genomic profile and cytogenetic banding} \description{Plot genomic profile with breakpoints, outliers, smoothing line and cytogenetic banding. } \usage{ \method{plotProfile}{profileCGH}(profileCGH, variable="LogRatio", Chromosome=NULL, Smoothing=NULL, GNL="ZoneGNL", Bkp=FALSE, labels=TRUE, plotband=TRUE, unit=0, colDAGLAD=c("black","blue","red","green","yellow"), pchSymbol=c(20,13), colCytoBand=c("white","darkblue"), colCentro="red", text=NULL, cytoband = NULL, main="", ylim=NULL, ...) } \arguments{ \item{profileCGH}{Object of class \code{\link{profileCGH}}} \item{variable}{The variable to be plot.} \item{Chromosome}{A numeric vector with chromosome number to be plotted. Use 23 and 24 for chromosome X and Y respectively. If \code{NULL}, all the genome is plotted.} \item{Smoothing}{The variable used to plot the smoothing line. If \code{NULL}, nothing is plotted.} \item{GNL}{The variable used to plot the Gain, Normal and Loss color code.} \item{Bkp}{If \code{TRUE}, the breakpoints are represented by a vertical red dashed line.} \item{labels}{If \code{TRUE}, the labels of the cytogenetic banding are written.} \item{plotband}{If \code{TRUE}, the cytogenetic banding are plotted.} \item{unit}{Give the unit of the PosBase. For example if \code{unit=3}, PosBase are in Kb, if \code{unit=6}, PosBase are in Mb, ...} \item{colDAGLAD}{Color code to plot Deletion, Amplification, Gain, Lost and Normal status.} \item{pchSymbol}{A vector of two elements to specify the symbol tu be used for plotting point. pchSymbol[2] is the symbol for outliers.} \item{colCytoBand}{Color code for cytogenetic banding.} \item{colCentro}{Color code for centromere.} \item{text}{A list with the parameters to be passed to the function \code{\link[graphics]{text}}.} \item{cytoband}{cytodand data. For human, cytoband data are avaibale using data(cytoband).} \item{main}{title of the plot.} \item{ylim}{range of the y-axis} \item{...}{} } \details{" "} \value{A plot} \note{People interested in tools dealing with array CGH analysis can visit our web-page \url{http://bioinfo.curie.fr}.} \author{Philippe Hupé, \email{glad@curie.fr}.} \seealso{" "} \keyword{hplot} \examples{ ### Cytogenetic banding information data(cytoband) ### data(snijders) ### Creation of "profileCGH" object profileCGH <- as.profileCGH(gm13330) ########################################################### ### ### glad function as described in Hupé et al. (2004) ### ########################################################### res <- glad(profileCGH, mediancenter=FALSE, smoothfunc="lawsglad", bandwidth=10, round=2, model="Gaussian", lkern="Exponential", qlambda=0.999, base=FALSE, lambdabreak=8, lambdacluster=8, lambdaclusterGen=40, type="tricubic", param=c(d=6), alpha=0.001, msize=5, method="centroid", nmax=8, verbose=FALSE) ### cytoband data to plot chromosome data(cytoband) ### Genomic profile on the whole genome plotProfile(res, unit=3, Bkp=TRUE, labels=FALSE, Smoothing="Smoothing", plotband=FALSE, cytoband = cytoband) ### Genomic profile on the whole genome and cytogenetic banding plotProfile(res, unit=3, Bkp=TRUE, labels=FALSE, Smoothing="Smoothing", cytoband = cytoband) ### Genomic profile for chromosome 1 text <- list(x=c(90000,200000),y=c(0.15,0.3),labels=c("NORMAL","GAIN"), cex=2) plotProfile(res, unit=3, Bkp=TRUE, labels=TRUE, Chromosome=1, Smoothing="Smoothing", plotband=FALSE, text=text, cytoband = cytoband) ### Genomic profile for chromosome 1 and cytogenetic banding with labels text <- list(x=c(90000,200000),y=c(0.15,0.3),labels=c("NORMAL","GAIN"), cex=2) plotProfile(res, unit=3, Bkp=TRUE, labels=TRUE, Chromosome=1, Smoothing="Smoothing", text=text, main="Chromosome 1", cytoband = cytoband) }