\name{masterSnps} \alias{masterSnps} \title{ visualize a multiGwSnpScreenResult} \description{ visualize a multiGwSnpScreenResult} \usage{ masterSnps(mgw, n = 50, auto = TRUE, orgdb = "org.Hs.eg.db", minl10 = 5, gstart = 0, gend = 3e+09, genomesize = 3e+09, pcex = 1, pal = rainbow(20), numxax=FALSE, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{mgw}{ a multiGwSnpScreenResult, for example from gwSnpTests with a GeneSet on lhs of formula } \item{n}{ number of best snps to retain per gene} \item{auto}{ restrict attention to autosomes? } \item{orgdb}{ an annotation library like org.Hs.eg.db } \item{minl10}{ threshold of -log10 p above which we keep SNP for plotting} \item{gstart}{position at which genome-wide SNP locations begin} \item{gend}{position at which genome-wide SNP locations end} \item{genomesize}{ number of bases over which plotting will be conducted (e.g., ylim=c(0, genomesize) ) } \item{pcex}{ cex setting for pch of plot } \item{pal}{ a palette to differentiate gene coloring } \item{numxax}{ logical: if TRUE, x axis labels genomic coordinates, otherwise chromosome } \item{\dots}{ args passed to plot() } } \details{ experimental display with snp location as ordinate and gene location as abscissa -- point plotted if snp is associated with gene at p smaller than the threshold specified } \value{ a list with self-describing elements } %\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ } \author{ VJ Carey } \examples{ if (require("GGdata")) { data(fheadFits) mm7 = masterSnps(fheadFits, minl10=7, pal=rainbow(10)) } } \keyword{ models }