\name{gwSnpTests} \alias{gwSnpTests} \alias{residTests} \alias{residTests,cwSnpScreenResult,smlSet,formula,missing-method} \alias{chunksize} \alias{chunksize-class} \alias{gwSnpTests,formula,smlSet,cnumOrMissing-method} \alias{gwSnpTests,formula,smlSet,cnumOrMissing,missing-method} \alias{gwSnpTests,formula,smlSet,cnumOrMissing,ANY-method} \alias{gwSnpTests,formula,smlSet,snpdepth-method} \alias{gwSnpTests,formula,smlSet,snpdepth,missing-method} \alias{gwSnpTests,formula,smlSet,snpdepth,ANY-method} \alias{gwSnpTests,formula,smlSet,snpdepth,chunksize-method} \title{methods for iterating association tests (expression vs SNP) across genomes or chromosomes} \description{methods for iterating association tests (expression vs SNP) across genomes or chromosomes} \usage{ gwSnpTests(sym, sms, cnum, cs, ...) } \arguments{ \item{sym}{ genesym, probeId, or formula instance} \item{sms}{ \link[GGBase:smlSet-class]{smlSet} instance} \item{cnum}{ chrnum instance or missing} \item{cs}{ chunksize specification } \item{\dots}{ \dots} } \details{ invokes \code{snpMatrix} package test procedures (e.g., \code{\link[snpMatrix]{snp.rhs.tests}} as appropriate \code{chunksize} can be specified to divide task up into chunks of chromosomes; \code{gc()} will be run between each chunk -- this may lead to some benefits when memory capacity is exceeded The dependent variable in the formula can have class genesym (chip annotation package used for lookup), probeId (direct specification using chip annotation vocabulary), or phenoVar (here we use a phenoData variable as dependent variable). If you want to put expression values on the right-hand side of the model, add them to the phenoData and enter them in the formula. } \value{ \code{\link[GGBase]{gwSnpScreenResult-class}} or \code{\link[GGBase:gwSnpScreenResult-class]{cwSnpScreenResult-class}} instance } %\references{ } \author{Vince Carey } %\note{ } %\seealso{ } \examples{ if (!exists("hmceuB36.2021")) data(hmceuB36.2021) # condense to founders only hmFou = hmceuB36.2021[, which(hmceuB36.2021$isFounder)] # show basic formula fit f1 = gwSnpTests(genesym("CPNE1")~male, hmFou, chrnum(20)) f1 plot(f1) # show how to avoid adjusted fit f1b = gwSnpTests(genesym("CPNE1")~1-1, hmFou, chrnum(20)) # show gene set modeling on chromosome library(GSEABase) gs1 = GeneSet(c("CPNE1", "ADA")) geneIdType(gs1) = SymbolIdentifier() f2 = gwSnpTests(gs1~male, hmFou, chrnum(20)) f2 names(f2) plot(f2[["ADA"]]) # show 'smlSet-wide' fit f3 = gwSnpTests(gs1~male, hmFou) f3 # now use a phenoVar f3b = gwSnpTests(phenoVar("persid")~male, hmFou, chrnum(20)) topSnps(f3b) \dontrun{ # in example() we run into a problem with sys.call(2); works # in interpreter f4 = gwSnpTests(gs1~male, hmFou, snpdepth(250), chunksize(1)) f4 } } \keyword{ models }