\name{annotate} \alias{annotate} \alias{annotate,xsAnnotate-methods} \title{Deconvolute/Annotate LC/ESI-MS data} \description{ Annotate isotope peaks, adducts and fragments for a (grouped) xcmsSet \code{xs}. Returns a xsAnnotate object. } \usage{ annotate(xs, sigma = 6, perfwhm = 0.6, cor_eic_th = 0.75, maxcharge = 3, maxiso = 4, ppm = 5, mzabs = 0.01, multiplier = 3, sample=1, category = NA, polarity="positive") } \arguments{ \item{xs}{ xcmsSet with peak group assignments} \item{sigma}{Isotopic peak relationship table} \item{perfwhm}{Adduct/Fragment peak relationship table} \item{cor_eic_th}{correlation threshold (0..1)} \item{maxcharge}{max charge of the ions} \item{maxiso}{max number of isotopes} \item{ppm}{ppm error} \item{mzabs}{absolut error} \item{multiplier}{max. number n of [nM+x] clusterions} \item{sample}{Index of which sample is used for the correlation} \item{category}{Which class label should be used} \item{polarity}{Which polarity mode was used for measuring of the ms sample} } \details{ Batch script for a annotation for a a (grouped) xcmsSet \code{xs}. Generate intern a xsAnnotate object and calls the member function for the annotation step. Returns a peaklist with additonal columns for isotopes, adducts and an index for the pseudo spectra group. xsAnnotate groups Peaks into spectra groups, after there Retentiontime and EIC correlations. Attention: For the EIC correlation only one sample can be used, so if the xcmsSet contains more than one sample, one must be chosen. } \value{ \code{annotate} returns an xsAnnotate object. For more information about see \link{xsAnnotate-class} } \examples{ library(CAMERA) file <- system.file('mzdata/MM14.mzdata', package = "CAMERA") xs <- xcmsSet(file, method="centWave", ppm=30, peakwidth=c(5,10)) annotated_xs<- annotate(xs) } \author{Carsten Kuhl } \keyword{methods}