\name{combine} \alias{combine} \title{Classify Functions} \description{ These functions use to test different feature coding schemes, and combine them to get better performance. } \usage{ combine(seq, classLable, fileName, ele.type, featureMethod, cv=10, classifyMethod="libsvm", group=c("aaH", "aaV", "aaZ", "aaP", "aaF", "aaS", "aaE"), k, g, hydro.methods=c("kpm", "SARAH1"), hydro.indexs=c("hydroE", "hydroF", "hydroC"), aaindex.name, n, d, w=0.05, start.pos, stop.pos, psiblast.path, database.path, hmmpfam.path, pfam.path, Evalue=10^-5, na.type="all", na.strand="all", diprodb.method="all", diprodb.type="all", svm.kernel="linear", svm.scale=FALSE, svm.path, svm.options="-t 0", knn.k=1, nnet.size=2, nnet.rang=0.7, nnet.decay=0, nnet.maxit=100) } \arguments{ \item{seq}{a string vector for the protein, DNA, or RNA sequences.} \item{classLable}{a factor or vector for the class lable of sequences in seq.} \item{fileName}{a string for the output file name.} \item{ele.type}{a string for the type of biological sequence. This must be one of the strings "rnaBase", "dnaBase", "aminoacid" or "aminoacid2".} \item{featureMethod}{a string vector for the name of feature coding. The alternative names are "Binary", "CTD", "FragmentComposition", "GapPairComposition", "CKSAAP", "Hydro", "ACH", "AAindex", "ACI", "ACF", "PseudoAAComp", "PSSM", "DOMAIN", "BDNAVIDEO", and "DIPRODB".} \item{classifyMethod}{a string for the classification method. This must be one of the strings "libsvm", "svmlight", "NaiveBayes", "randomForest", "knn", "tree", "nnet", "rpart", "ctree", "ctreelibsvm", "bagging".} \item{cv}{an integer for the time of cross validation, or a string "leave\_one\_out" for the jacknife test.} \item{group}{a string vector for the group of amino acids. This alternative groups are: "aaH", "aaV", "aaZ", "aaP", "aaF", "aaS" or "aaE".} \item{k}{an integer indicating the length of sequence fragment (k>=1).} \item{g}{an integer indicating the distance between two aminoacids/bases (g>=0).} \item{hydro.methods}{a string vector for the methods of coding protein hydrophobic effect. This alternative groups are: "kpm" or "SARAH1".} \item{hydro.indexs}{a string vector for the methods of coding protein hydrophobic effect. This alternative groups are: "hydroE", "hydroF" or "hydroC".} \item{aaindex.name}{a string for the name of physicochemical and biochemical properties in AAindx.} \item{n}{an integer used as paramter of \code{\link{featureACF}} (1<=n<=L-2, L is the the length of sequence). featureACF takes the auto-correlation between fragment X(1)...X(L-m) and X(m+1)...X(L) (1<=m<=n) as features. } \item{d}{an integer used as paramter of \code{\link{featurePseudoAAComp}} (d>=1). Coupling between amino acids X(i) and X(i+d) are considered as features.} \item{w}{a numeric value for the weight factor of sequence order effect in \code{\link{featurePseudoAAComp}}. } \item{start.pos}{a integer vector denoting the start position of the fragment window. If it is missing, it is 1 by default.} \item{stop.pos}{a integer vector denoting the stop position of the fragment window. If it is missing, it is the length of sequence by default.} \item{psiblast.path}{a string for the path of PSI-BLAST program blastpgp. blastpgp will be employed to iteratively search database and generate position-specific scores for each position in the alignment.} \item{database.path}{a string for the path of formatted protein database. Database can be formatted by formatdb program.} \item{hmmpfam.path}{a string for the path of hammpfam program in HMMER. hammpfam will be employed to predict domains using models in Pfam database.} \item{pfam.path}{a string for the path of pfam domain database.} \item{Evalue}{a numeric value for the E-value cutoff of perdicted Pfam domain.} \item{na.type}{a string for nucleic acid type. It must be "DNA", "DNA/RNA", "RNA", or "all".} \item{na.strand}{a string for strand information. It must be "double", "single", or "all".} \item{diprodb.method}{a string for mode of property determination. It can be "experimental", "calculated", or "all".} \item{diprodb.type}{a string for property type. It can be "physicochemical", "conformational", "letter based", or "all".} \item{svm.kernel}{a string for kernel function of SVM.} \item{svm.scale}{a logical vector indicating the variables to be scaled.} \item{svm.path}{a character for path to SVMlight binaries (required, if path is unknown by the OS).} \item{svm.options}{Optional parameters to SVMlight. For further details see: "How to use" on http://svmlight.joachims.org/. (e.g.: "-t 2 -g 0.1")) } \item{nnet.size}{number of units in the hidden layer. Can be zero if there are skip-layer units.} \item{nnet.rang}{Initial random weights on [-rang, rang]. Value about 0.5 unless the inputs are large, in which case it should be chosen so that rang * max(|x|) is about 1. } \item{nnet.decay}{parameter for weight decay.} \item{nnet.maxit}{maximum number of iterations.} \item{knn.k}{number of neighbours considered in function \code{\link{classifyModelKNN}}.} } \details{ \code{\link{combine}} can test feature coding methods for short peptide, protein, DNA or RNA. It returns a ranked list based on the accuracy of classification result. Each element in the list has three components: "data", "model", and "performance". "data" is a data.frame object, which stores feature matrix and its last column is the class label. "model" is a vector for feature coding method, which contains 6 elements: "Feature\_Function", "Feature\_Parameter", "Feature\_Number", "Model", "Model\_Parameter", and "Cross_Validataion". "performance" is a vector for the performance result of classification model, which contains 10 elements: "tp", "tn", "fp", "fn", "prcc", "sn", "sp", "acc", "mcc", "pc". } \author{Hong Li} \examples{ ## read positive/negative sequence from files. tmpfile1 = file.path(.path.package("BioSeqClass"), "example", "acetylation_K.pos40.pep") tmpfile2 = file.path(.path.package("BioSeqClass"), "example", "acetylation_K.neg40.pep") posSeq = as.matrix(read.csv(tmpfile1,header=FALSE,sep="\t",row.names=1))[,1] negSeq = as.matrix(read.csv(tmpfile2,header=FALSE,sep="\t",row.names=1))[,1] seq=c(posSeq,negSeq) classLable=c(rep("+1",length(posSeq)),rep("-1",length(negSeq)) ) if(interactive()){ ## test various feature coding methods. ## it may be time consuming. fileName = tempfile() testFeatureSet = combine(seq, classLable, fileName, ele.type="aminoacid", featureMethod=c("Binary", "CTD", "FragmentComposition", "GapPairComposition", "Hydro"), cv=5, classifyMethod="libsvm", group=c("aaH", "aaV", "aaZ", "aaP", "aaF", "aaS", "aaE"), k=3, g=7, hydro.methods=c("kpm", "SARAH1"), hydro.indexs=c("hydroE", "hydroF", "hydroC") ) summary = read.csv(fileName,sep="\t",header=T) fix(summary) ## combine features from different feature coding functions feature.index = 1:5 tmp <- testFeatureSet[[1]]$data colnames(tmp) <- paste(testFeatureSet[[feature.index[1]]]$model["Feature_Function"],testFeatureSet[[feature.index[1]]]$model["Feature_Parameter"],colnames(tmp),sep=" ; ") data <- tmp[,-ncol(tmp)] for(i in 2:length(feature.index) ){ tmp <- testFeatureSet[[feature.index[i]]]$data colnames(tmp) <- paste(testFeatureSet[[feature.index[i]]]$model["Feature_Function"],testFeatureSet[[feature.index[i]]]$model["Feature_Parameter"],colnames(tmp),sep=" ; ") data <- data.frame(data, tmp[,-ncol(tmp)] ) } name <- colnames(data) data <- data.frame(data, tmp[,ncol(tmp)] ) ## feature forward selection by 'cv_FFS_classify' ## it is very time consuming. combineFeatureResult = cv_FFS_classify(data,stop.n=50,classifyMethod="knn",cv=5) tmp = sapply(combineFeatureResult,function(x){c(length(x$features),x$performance["acc"])}) plot(tmp[1,],tmp[2,],xlab="featureNumber",ylab="Accuracy",main="result of FFS_KNN",pch=19) lines(tmp[1,],tmp[2,]) ## compare the prediction accuracy based on different feature coding methods and different classification models. ## it is very time consuming. testResult = lapply(c("libsvm", "randomForest", "knn", "tree"), function(x){ tmp = combine(seq, classLable, fileName = tempfile(), ele.type="aminoacid", featureMethod=c("Binary", "CTD", "FragmentComposition", "GapPairComposition", "Hydro"), cv=5, classifyMethod=x, group=c("aaH", "aaV", "aaZ", "aaP", "aaF", "aaS", "aaE"), k=3, g=7, hydro.methods=c("kpm", "SARAH1"), hydro.indexs=c("hydroE", "hydroF", "hydroC") ); sapply(tmp,function(y){c(y$model[["Feature_Function"]], y$model[["Feature_Parameter"]], y$model[["Model"]], y$performance[["acc"]])}) }) tmpFeature = as.factor(c(sapply(testResult,function(x){apply(x[1:2,],2,function(y){paste(y,collapse="; ")})}))) tmpModel = as.factor(c(sapply(testResult,function(x){x[3,]}))) tmp1 = data.frame(as.integer(tmpFeature), as.integer(tmpModel), as.numeric(c(sapply(testResult,function(x){x[4,]}))) ) require(scatterplot3d) s3d=scatterplot3d(tmp1,color=c("red","blue","green","yellow")[tmp1[,2]],pch=19, xlab="Feature Coding", ylab="Classification Model", zlab="Accuracy under 5-fold cross validation",lab=c(10,6,7), y.ticklabs=c("",as.character(sort(unique(tmpModel))),"") ) } }