\name{MM.correction} \alias{MM.correction} \title{MM-correction method} \description{ Correct single p-value for Multiple Hypothesis Testing } \usage{ MM.correction(data) } \arguments{ \item{data}{ A square matrix of single p-values; each element is a p-value to be corrected for multi-hypothesis testing.} } \value{ A square matrix with the same size of data, elements are corrected p-values. } \references{ C. Nardini, H. Peng, L. Wang, L. Benini, M.D. Kuo, MM-Correction: Meta-analysis-Based Multiple Hypotheses Correction in Omic Studies, Springer CCIS, Vol 25, pp 242-255, 2008. } \author{Yin Jin, Hesen Peng, Lei Wang and Christine Nardini} \examples{ pmat=matrix(c(0.0000,0.6675,0.5800,0.7375,0.3800,0.6675,0.0000,0.1975,0.3075,0.1400,0.5800,0.1975,0.0000,0.1625,0.1125,0.7375,0.3075,0.1625,0.0000,0.0000,0.3800,0.1400,0.1125,0.0000,0.0000),nr=5,nc=5,byrow=TRUE) MM.correction(pmat) } \keyword{htest}