\name{strand} \docType{methods} \alias{strand-methods} \alias{strand} \alias{strand,missing-method} \alias{strand,character-method} \alias{strand,DataTable-method} \title{Accessing strand information} \description{The \code{strand} generic is meant as an accessor for strand information. Three methods are defined by the \code{BSgenome} package, described below. } \usage{strand(x)} \arguments{ \item{x}{The object from which to obtain a strand factor, can be missing.} } \details{ If \code{x} is missing, returns an empty factor with the standard levels that any strand factor should have: \code{+}, \code{-}, and \code{*} (for either). If \code{x} is a \code{character} vector, \code{x} is coerced to a factor with the levels listed above. If \code{x} inherits from \code{DataTable}, the \code{"strand"} column is returned as a factor with the levels listed above. If \code{x} has no \code{"strand"} column, this return value is populated with \code{NA}s. } \author{ Michael Lawrence } \examples{ strand() strand(c("+", "-", NA, "*")) } \keyword{methods}