\name{group-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{group.nearest} \alias{group.nearest,xcmsSet-method} \title{Group peaks from different samples together} \description{ Group peaks together across samples by creating a master peak list and assigning corresponding peaks from all samples. It is inspired by the alignment algorithm of mzMine. For further details check \url{http://mzmine.sourceforge.net/} and Katajamaa M, Miettinen J, Oresic M: MZmine: Toolbox for processing and visualization of mass spectrometry based molecular profile data. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) 2006, 22:634?636. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{object = "xcmsSet"}{ \code{ group(object, mzVsRTbalance=10, mzCheck=0.2, rtCheck=15, kNN=10) %% sleep = 0 } } }} \arguments{ \item{object}{the \code{xcmsSet} object} \item{mzVsRTbalance}{Multiplicator for mz value before calculating the (euclidean) distance between two peaks.} \item{mzCheck}{Maximum tolerated distance for mz.} \item{rtCheck}{Maximum tolerated distance for RT.} \item{rtCheck}{Number of nearest Neighbours to check} } \value{ An \code{xcmsSet} object with peak group assignments and statistics. } \seealso{ \code{\link{xcmsSet-class}}, \code{\link{group.density}} and \code{\link{group.mzClust}} } \keyword{methods} \keyword{file}