\name{logLik-methods} \alias{logLik-methods} \alias{logLik,vsnInput-method} \alias{plotVsnLogLik} \title{Calculate the log likelihood and its gradient for the vsn model} \description{\code{logLik} calculates the log likelihood and its gradient for the vsn model. \code{plotVsnLogLik} makes a false color plot for a 2D section of the likelihood landscape.} \usage{ \S4method{logLik}{vsnInput}(object, p, mu=numeric(0), sigsq=as.numeric(NA)) plotVsnLogLik(object, p, whichp = 1:2, expand = 1, ngrid = 31L, fun = logLik, main = "log likelihood", ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{A \code{\link{vsnInput}} object.} \item{p}{For \code{plotVsnLogLik}, a vector or a 3D array with the point in parameter space around which to plot the likelihood. For \code{logLik}, a matrix whose columns are the set of parameters at which the likelihoods are to be evaluated.} \item{mu}{Numeric vector of length 0 or \code{nrow(object)}. If the length is 0, there is no reference and \code{sigsq} must be \code{NA} (the default value). See \code{\link{vsn2}}.} \item{sigsq}{Numeric scalar.} \item{whichp}{Numeric vector of length 2, with the indices of those two parameters in \code{p} along which the section is to be taken.} \item{expand}{Numeric vector of length 1 or 2 with expansion factors for the plot range. The range is auto-calculated using a heuristic, but manual adjustment can be useful; see example.} \item{ngrid}{Integer scalar, the grid size.} \item{fun}{Function to use for log-likelihood calculation. This parameter is exposed only for testing purposes.} \item{main}{This parameter is passed on \code{levelplot}.} \item{...}{Arguments that get passed on to \code{fun}, use this for \code{mu} and \code{sigsq}.} } \value{ For \code{logLik}, a numeric matrix of size \code{nrow(p)+1} by \code{ncol(p)}. Its columns correspond to the columns of \code{p}. Its first row are the likelihood values, its rows \code{2...nrow(p)+1} contain the gradients. If \code{mu} and \code{sigsq} are specified, the ordinary negative log likelihood is calculated using these parameters as given. If they are not specified, the profile negative log likelihood is calculated. For \code{plotVsnLogLik}, a dataframe with the 2D grid coordinates and log likelihood values. } \details{ \code{logLik} is an R interface to the likelihood computations in vsn (which are done in C). } \author{Wolfgang Huber \url{http://www.ebi.ac.uk/huber}} \seealso{\code{\link{vsn2}}} \examples{ data("kidney") v = new("vsnInput", x=exprs(kidney), pstart=array(as.numeric(NA), dim=c(1, ncol(kidney), 2))) fit = vsn2(kidney) print(coef(fit)) p = sapply(seq(-1, 1, length=31), function(f) coef(fit)+c(0,0,f,0)) ll = logLik(v, p) plot(p[3, ], ll[1, ], type="l", xlab=expression(b[1]), ylab=expression(-log(L))) abline(v=coef(fit)[3], col="red") plotVsnLogLik(v, coef(fit), whichp=c(1,3), expand=0.2) }