\name{readCel2eSet} \alias{readCel2eSet} \title{Read celfiles into an ExpressionSet object.} \description{ This is a wrapper for \code{\link[affy:ReadAffy]{ReadAffy}} that returns an \code{\link[ExpressionSet-class]{ExpressionSet}} object rather than an AffyBatch. This is particularly usefiles for arrays for which we have or need no CDF environment. } \usage{ readCel2eSet(filename, adf, path=".", rotated=FALSE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{filename}{Character vector with CEL file names. Either \code{filename} or \code{adf} need to be specified, but not both.} \item{adf}{Object of class \code{\link[Biobase:AnnotatedDataFrame-class]{AnnotatedDataFrame}}.} \item{path}{Character scalar with path to CEL files.} \item{rotated}{Logical scalar, see details.} \item{...}{Further arguments that are passed on to \code{new("ExpressionSet")}.} } \details{ The \code{rotate} options allows to deal with different versions of the scanner software. Older versions rotated the image by 90 degrees, newer ones do not. Use the default \code{rotated=FALSE} for CEL files produced by the newer version. } \value{ \code{\link[ExpressionSet-class]{ExpressionSet}} object. } \author{W. Huber} \examples{ ## To test the rotation, look at the scatterplot between two DNA hybes ## that were measured with scanner software that rotated (041120) and did ## not rotate (060125) ## ## cp /ebi/research/huber/Projects/tilingArray/Celfiles/041120_S96genDNA_re-hybe.cel.gz ~/p/tmp ## cp /ebi/research/huber/Projects/allelicTranscription/celfiles_allelictrans/060125_S96_genomicDNA.zip ~/p/tmp ## cd ~/p/tmp ## gunzip 041120_S96genDNA_re-hybe.cel.gz ## unzip 060125_S96_genomicDNA.zip ## \dontrun{ library("affy") options(error=recover) e1 = readCel2eSet("041120_S96genDNA_re-hybe.cel", rotated=TRUE) e2 = readCel2eSet("060125_S96_genomicDNA.CEL") smoothScatter(log(exprs(e1)), log(exprs(e2)), nrpoints=0) } } \keyword{manip}