\name{ qc.get.ratios} \alias{ qc.get.ratios} \alias{ qc.get.ratio} \alias{ qc.add.ratio} \title{ Retrieve pairs of probesets used for calculating 3'/5' ratios } \description{ Get the names of the qc probesets used to define the 3'/5' ratios. } \usage{ qc.get.ratios() qc.get.ratio(name) qc.add.ratio(name,probeset1,probeset2) } \arguments{ \item{name}{ A name for the given ratio calculation (such as gapdh3/5)} \item{probeset1}{ A probeset ID } \item{probeset2}{ A probeset ID } } \value{ A list, each element with a name like gapdh3/5 and comprising of a two-element character vector of probeset IDs. } \references{ http://bioinformatics.picr.man.ac.uk/ } \author{ Crispin J Miller } \note{ } \seealso{ \code{\link[simpleaffy]{setQCEnvironment}} \code{\link[simpleaffy]{qc.get.probes}} } \examples{ setQCEnvironment("hgu133plus2cdf") qc.get.ratios() qc.add.ratio("a.name","probeset1.id","probeset2.id") qc.get.ratio("a.name") } \keyword{ misc }