\name{gateSet-class} \docType{class} \alias{gateSet-class} \alias{gateSet} \alias{length,gateSet-method} \alias{show,gateSet-method} \alias{names,gateSet-method} \alias{names<-,gateSet-method} \alias{applyGate} \alias{[,gateSet,ANY,missing,missing-method} \alias{[[,gateSet,ANY,missing-method} \alias{appendGates} \alias{appendGates, gateSet_method} \alias{applyGate,matrix,gateSet-method} \title{'gateSet': a class for subsetting flow-cytometry data by defining multiple regions in two-dimesional projections of the data} \description{In flow-cytometry analysis, regions in two-dimensional projections of the data space often have to be selected. Objects of this class can store the properties for several of these selections} \section{Creating Objects}{ Objects can be created using methods of the generic function \code{\link[prada]{drawGate}} or via\cr \code{ new("gateSet",}\cr \code{ glist = ...., # object of class list}\cr \code{ )}\cr } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{name}:}{Object of class \code{character} giving the name of the object. You can reference the object by its name for subsequent operations (e.g. plotting).} \item{\code{glist}:}{Object of class \code{"list"} with items of class \code{\link[prada]{gate}}. The individual \code{\link[prada]{gate}} objects will be combined according to the value of their slot \code{logic}.} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{applyGate:}{\code{applyGate(x, data)}\crapplies the gating of object \code{x} on data objects of class \code{\link[prada]{cytoFrame}} or \code{matrix}} \item{length}{length of slot \code{glist}} \item{show}{\code{display summary}} \item{names, names<-}{extract or replace the names of the individual \code{\link[prada]{gate}} objects.} \item{[}{subset to \code{\link[prada]{gateSet}} objects.} \item{[[}{subset to individual \code{\link[prada]{gate}} objects.} \item{appendGates}{append a \code{gate} or \code{gateSet} to a \code{cytoFrame}} } } \author{Florian Hahne} \seealso{ \code{\link[prada]{cytoFrame}}, \code{\link[prada]{gateMatrix}}, \code{\link[prada]{gate}} } \examples{ sampdat <- readFCS(system.file("extdata", "fas-Bcl2-plate323-04-04.A01", package="prada")) g1 <- new("gate", name="G1", gateFun=function(x)x[,"FSC-H"]<500, logic="&", colnames="FSC-H") g2 <- new("gate", name="G2", gateFun=function(x)x[,"SSC-H"]>800, logic="&", colnames="SSC-H") g3 <- new("gate", name="G3", gateFun=function(x)x[,"FL1-H"]>800, logic="&", colnames="FL1-H") gs <- new("gateSet", name="Set1", glist=list(G1=g1, G2=g2)) length(gs) gs[[1]] gs[1] gsnames <- names(gs) names(gs) <- gsnames applyGate(sampdat, gs) applyGate(exprs(sampdat), gs) gate(sampdat) <- gs applyGate(sampdat, 1) applyGate(sampdat, "G1") applyGate(sampdat, TRUE) appendGates(sampdat, g3) } \keyword{classes}