\name{cytoFrame-class} \docType{class} \alias{cytoFrame-class} \alias{cytoFrame} \alias{[,cytoFrame,ANY,ANY,ANY-method} \alias{description,cytoFrame-method} \alias{description<-,cytoFrame,character-method} \alias{exprs,cytoFrame-method} \alias{exprs<-,cytoFrame,matrix-method} \alias{colnames,cytoFrame-method} \alias{colnames<-,cytoFrame-method} \alias{show,cytoFrame-method} \alias{plot,cytoFrame,missing-method} \alias{$.cytoFrame} \alias{gate,cytoFrame-method} \alias{gate<-,cytoFrame,gate-method} \alias{gate<-,cytoFrame,gateSet-method} \alias{drawGate,cytoFrame-method} \alias{drawGate,cytoFrame-method} \alias{drawGate,matrix-method} \alias{appendGates,cytoFrame-method} \alias{ncol,cytoFrame-method} \alias{nrow,cytoFrame-method} \alias{applyGate,cytoFrame,gate-method} \alias{applyGate,cytoFrame,gateSet-method} \alias{applyGate,cytoFrame,character-method} \alias{applyGate,cytoFrame,numeric-method} \alias{applyGate,cytoFrame,logical-method} \alias{hist,cytoFrame-method} \title{'cytoFrame': a class for storing observed quantitative properties from a population of cells, most likely from a FACS run or, alternatively, from automated microscopy} \description{This class represents the data contained in a FCS 3.0 file or similar data structures.} %\usage{ %\S4method{exprs}{cytoFrame}(object) %\S4method{exprs<-}{cytoFrame,matrix}(object,value) %\S4method{description}{cytoFrame}(object) %\S4method{description<-}{cytoFrame,character}(object,value) %\S4method{colnames}{cytoFrame}(object) %\S4method{colnames<-}{cytoFrame,ANY}(object,value) %\S4method{show}{cytoFrame}(object) %\S4method{[}{cytoFrame,ANY}(x, i, j, ..., drop=FALSE) %\S4method{plot}{cytoFrame,missing}(x, ...) % \S4method{[<-}{cytoFrame,ANY,ANY,...,matrix}(x, i, j, ..., value) %$.cytoFrame(x, val) %} %\arguments{ %\item{object,x}{Objects of class \code{cytoFrame}.} %\item{value}{Replacement value.} %\item{i,j}{Indices.} %\item{...}{Further arguments that get passed on.} %} \section{Creating Objects}{ Objects can be created using\cr \code{ new('cytoFrame',}\cr \code{ exprs = ...., # Object of class matrix}\cr \code{ description = .... # Object of class character}\cr \code{ )}\cr or the function \code{\link[prada]{readFCS}}.} \section{Slots}{\describe{ \item{\code{exprs}:}{Object of class \code{matrix} containing the measured intensities. Rows correspond to cells, columns to the different channels. The \code{colnames} attribute of the matrix is supposed to hold the names or identifiers for the channels. The \code{rownames} attribute would usually not be set.} \item{\code{description}:}{A named character vector containing the experiment description as key-value pairs.} \item{\code{well}:}{A single integer vector giving the position of the well on a microtitre plate. This only applies when using the object within a \code{\link[prada]{cytoSet}} collection and will usually be filled in by the function \code{\link[prada]{readCytoSet}}.} \item{\code{gate}:}{An object of class \code{\link[prada]{gateSet}}. This object can be used to select defined subsets of the data, a process referred to as \code{gating} in the analysis of flow-cytometry data.} }} \section{Methods}{\describe{ \item{[}{subsetting. Returns an object of class \code{cytoFrame}. The subsetting is applied to the \code{exprs} slot, while the \code{description} slot is unchanged.} \item{exprs, exprs<-}{extract or replace the intensities.} \item{description, description<-}{extract or replace the description.} \item{show}{display summary.} \item{plot}{scatterplot for \code{cytoFrame} objects. The additional argument \code{gate} can be used to plot subsets of the data defined by either an object of class \code{\link[prada]{gate}} or by a character vector giving the name of one of the gates in the list.} \item{gate,gate<-}{extract or replace the list of gates.} \item{ncol,nrow}{extract the dimensions of the data matrix.} \item{appendGate}{Append a gate or gateSet to the gate slot.} \item{drawGate}{Create an object of class \code{\link[prada]{gate}} or \code{\link[prada]{gateSet}} based on a selection made from the data. See \code{\link[prada]{gateMatrix}} for further details.} \item{hist}{Draw a histogram of the data} }} \details{ Although objects of class \code{cytoFrame} can be used to hold arbitrary data of cell populations, the main focus lies on flow-cytometry data. FCS 3.0 is the Data File Standard for Flow Cytometry, Version FCS3.0. See the vignette of this package for additional information on using the object system for handling of flow-cytometry data. } \author{Florian Hahne, Wolfgang Huber} \seealso{\code{\link[prada]{readFCS}}, \code{\link[prada]{cytoSet}}, \code{\link[prada]{gate}}, \code{\link[prada]{gateSet}}, \code{\link[prada]{gateMatrix}}} \examples{ intens <- matrix(runif(100), ncol=4) colnames(intens) <- c("FL1-H", "FL2-H", "FL3-H", "FL4-H") a <- new("cytoFrame", exprs=intens, description=c(name="example data", date=date())) description(a) dim(exprs(a)) a[1:3, -4] plot(a) \dontrun{ g1 <- drawGate(a, name="Gate1") } } \keyword{classes}